Monday, August 15, 2011


hullo cupcakes,

kay, so im reading last nights post and gagging at the disgustingness of it. i mean REALLY aven? romantic songs and princes? ewwie :P forgive me friends. in the late hour it seems my mind was taken over by sweet thoughts. EWW. lemme clarify right now that i would MUCH rather play a zombie-killing video game with guys then whisper to them in the moonlight -,- can you say stupid? so there we have it. and to clear the noxious air from that post, heres some REAL pictures:



{ havent seen this one yet but i REALLY want to. }

{ this is the movie i watch when im in the mood for a comedy :D }

dont those all look great? makes me want to go rent them all :)

kay, now its time for a game that i want to learn how to play but i need to find someone to teach me how -,-

sigh. doesnt that look fun? gotta love alien-blasting games....

well friends i gotta go now. hope you enjoyed this feast for the eyes :) i know i did MUCH more than i did my last post -,-

talk to ya later lovelys!



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