Sunday, August 21, 2011


rejoice with me, my fellow cupcake lovers!!!

for i say unto thee, yesterday i created the perfect cupcake. kay, enuf with the scribal talk xD but serriously dey wur SO NUMMY. they puffed up perfectly, and tasted ah-mazingly moist and delish xD mmmm.... so good....

anyways, today was church. twas good. nuthin new. basically just like any other week. so yea.

anyways, it has just been brought to my attention that Patti's family's copy of Rio { one of da best movies ever } has been THROWN OUT!!!!!!

* crowd gasps in horror *

i kno rite?  its so tragic...and i have yet to find out how and why such an event happened.

but moving ooooonnn, i am now at my grandparents again { we just had lunch here } and i am half wanting to be at home and half not. y'see i DO wanna go home cuz then i mite be able to go for a walk with a friend, but i DONT because well, if none of my friends can do anything i dont wanna be stuck in my room being bored.


i finished my Dream jar! yes! i really did it! * congratulates self * and its very pretty :) and ill post pictures later. -,- i kno ive been saying that alot so let me explain.

see, i wanted a camera. so, for christmas 2 years ago, my family gave me a didgital camera! yay! and so now, i have my camera, but the memory is full. and i HAD  a memory stick for dowloading my pics onto, but my little brothers somehow got ahold of it and LOST IT. so now, i have no way of downloading my pictures, thus, i have no way of TAKING pictures, concluding that i cannot show you pictures of the things i want too. sigh.

but anywhooo, my dream jar. so i got this jar from the kitchen, and i brought it to my room. then i got some old newspaper, modge-podge, a paintbrush, and tissue paper. y'kno that super thin colored paper that people put in presents? ya. that stuff.

so i set everything up, and cut out little squares of the tissue paper. then i put a layer of mp {modge-podge} on the jar, and glued the tissue paper ontop. once you do that on every side of the jar, you put mp on the tissue paper, and you keep doing that until you have enough paper on to be able to tell what color it is. so i did the entire jar a light blue. then, i took the lid, and put purple paper on it. after the paper was on, i tied a dark purple ribbon around the lid, and screwed it on the jar. success! after that i just got some letter stickers and put "Dreams"  on the side. and voila! the dream jar is complete :) actually, i finnished it at 11 o'clock on the dot. haha.

so yea, im sorry this post is so dull xP im bored. hope we go home soon. i could use some friends right about now instead of a computer xP


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