Sunday, August 14, 2011

Smiles & Frowns

Hullo Cupcakes!

yur just in time for the latest "Smiles & Frowns" post! yup! so sit back, relax, and stay tuned to find out what makes me smile and what makes me frown. :) enjoy!

Smiles :)

{ me and my stupendous best friend Patti }

see that? see how gorgeous my bestie is? { shes the gorgeous one on the left } luv ya Patti :) honestly, this is one girl who knows how nutty and mental i am and still chooses to hang out with me :) bless her.

Rio! when me and Patti are lik, 21. We're goona go there and have a stupid good time touristing and Partying xD  Rio, here we come!

^^^^ Garter snakes!!! :) these make me happy. i lik holding them, and playing with them, and well... i just like them in general! :)

Rio the movie! so cute and funny. if you havent seen it yet go now! i admit, i had my doubts about watching a G-rated movie with no explosions or epic fighting or brutally gnarly gunfire, but it was actually a great movie :) so go watch it.

letters :) ohsigh. arent letters wonderful? they can smell yummy and they're so fun to read :)

kay. so i really hadnt payed much attention to Moped's until recently. arent they adora-belle though? now i want one....


{ see that guy up there? that is the male version of me. bored to bacon bits. }

i dont have a pic for this frown but its still annoying -,- kay, so im currently downtown @ mai grandparents house while they're out of town. meanwhile, all my friends live on the OTHER side of town. sooo... if i wanna see any of them i have to WALK. grrr.....its not that i dont like walking but go ask anyone here if its a long walk across town. they will grimace at the thought of trudging such a distance -,-

kay lovelys, this concludes our feature presentation.

tune in next time for more of avens life!


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