Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Birthdays, Wednesdays, and meeting Rainbow :)

Bonjour Cupcakes,

How are all you lovelys doing?  i personally, had a pretty good day! for instance, i met some new friends! Actually, they're my friend Pattis friends from bible camp! And they were in town for a few hours today and so they hung out with meeeeeee!!! {and my family of course xD} Anyways, they were really fun :) they're names are Joel, (whos my age) and Rainbow, (whos 12 and whos real name is Alisha but everyone calls her Rainbow) So now i have new friends, and a friend whos name is Rainbow? is that not ah-mazing? i wanna cool nickname now :) kay, just in honour of her and her fantabulous name....


{ i personally ah-dore this one, dont you? }

And honestly, what kind of cupcake lover would i be, if i did not include a rainbow cupcake?

{ omnomnomnomnom... :) }

{ i. want.  this. dress...rlly..RLLY badly...}

And here is the end of my little tribute :)

Ohsigh. Dont you just love rainbows? theyre so sparkly and pretty and colorful and ah-mazingly magical :) i <3 Rainbows.

Ahem, moving on :) i think i will do another one of those "wat r u doing" thingys. Im kinda bored and they give me an excuse to put pictures on here xP haha.

Date... Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Starting time... 11:55 pm
Mood... wants to crawl into a shell and come out on Friday...
Outside my window... a silent road :P bor-ring!
I'm thinking... i want Evan to teach me how to play Halo...
I'm currently reading... obsessed by Ted Decker
I'm listening to... The radio :P 100.1 fm actually xD 
I'm wearing... polka dotted pj pants, and one of my Grandpa's t-shirts.
I'm looking forward to...  Friday!!!...and possibly Sunday :)
I'm hoping... I see one of my friends tomorrow...rather, today :) on my birthday... 
Yesterday, I... went to the grocery store! woot!
I'm hungry for... Poutine & Pizza :) and i could go for lasagna...
The song stuck inside my head is... Monster:Skillet
I love... music, blogging, my friends <3
I loathe... hmm...nuthin rite now.  
This week, my goal is... To see one of my new friends!
Did I meet last week's goal?... No. Ive been busy :P
Ending time... 12:17 am
Kay, so im feeling sorta friendship-y right now :) heres some friendship photos.
 awww :) reminds me of me & Patti <3 (whom i miss imesly cuz shes been gone 2 weeks!)
I luv this one...
ohmyword. is this not the sweetest EVER?
D'aaaawwwww <3
And last but not least...
:) i wanna hug now. And i also wanna go to sleep...later cupcakes! and oh, Happy Birthday to me!
-a newly christened 14-year-old aven!

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