Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Helloooo...again :)

Hullo Cupcakes,

I know this is my 3rd post today. I know that writing 3 posts in one day is probably uber crazy if not considered slightly berserk by people. But i dont care. I feel like blogging and so heck im goona blog! Kay. for starters i think we need some pictures :) heres something im goona do that i found on sumone elses blog. Enjoy!

Eating: nufin anymore :) all full of cornflakes.

Drinking:  Gingerale! ohya :)
mmm...look how big that can is! yummylicious xD

Watching: Reba :)

Yes i watch this show :) in fact i love it. Immensly. Whos with me? {tell the truuuuth}

excited for: my 14th birthday this Thursday! ....kinda {and you can ask why the "kinda" but i wont have an answer for you :) }

wishing i could... talk to a friend right now

i'm going to dream about... :) happy things

g'night now lovelys. Talk to ya tomorrow!

dreaming of happy things,

-aven x)

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