Thursday, August 18, 2011

to know me better :)

alright, alright, so i KNOW ive done alot of these but...i really cant help it :) they amuse me. and in my computer-filled life a little amusment is always good. y'are! :D

Age: 14 and 15 days :) 

Bed size: urm..i think its a double...ya thats it.

Chore you hate:  well i WOULD have said dishes-hands down but i think...oh fudgesticks i dont know :P cleaning my room? ya lets go with that.

Dogs: HAH. i wish. i was promised a dog once i was a "big girl" then we had my first lil bro. i was supposed to wait till he was 3. a few months after he turned 3 along came brother numer 2. then it was for SURE when HE was 3. literally, a week after he turned 3, came brother number 3. the last child, say my parents. hes almost four. i still dont have a dog. touchy topic. -,-

Essential start of your day: become aware that i am awake, moan and look at clock. growl under covers at little brothers screaming and running around the house. try and go back to sleep. find it impossible. get up, shower, blog.

Favorite color: rainbow!!!
Gold or silver:  both :)
Height: tall.
Instruments I play (or have played): recorder xD, clarinet { sorta } and i teach myself piano.
Job title: student. occasional writer. :P
Kids: not till marriage. which is a LONG ways off because A. im 14 and B. i havent even had a boyfriend yet. yea :)
Live: the land of cold and snow -,-yea its a love/hate relationship...
Mom's name: Kristin.
Nickname: ave, aves, annie, :P exciting right? im workin on sumthin better.
Pet peeve: younger siblings sitting in passenger seat forcing me to crawl in the back of the car. GRR.
Quote from a movie:
Edmund: You're welcome.
Peter: I had it sorted!
Susan: What was it this time?
Peter: he bumped me.
Lucy: So you hit him?!
Peter: No. After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him. 
Right or left handed: left :D thats right. im special.
Siblings: 3 little brothers. age:10,almost 7, and almost 4. God? a sister? please?
Time you wake up: 1 pm xD jk. now its more like...10ish :P i kno, i kno im lazy. but hey! summertime baby!
Underwear: i wear it....ya :P
 Vegetables you dislike: everything except carrots, corn, and lettuce.
What makes you run late: my family. trying to get 6 people out the door on time, properly prepared for whatever we're doing is NOT easy. 
X-rays you've had done: um. my right arm when i broke it, and my teeth a couple times.
Yummy food you make: duz toast count? no. fine. um...Cupcakes!
Zoo animal: tigers. 'cept i dont like seeing them in captivity :(
alrighty folks! there y'are! another question thingymabob :) talk to y'all later!

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