Thursday, August 18, 2011

kay. y'all are goona kill me but....

heh...heh....yup. another one! * yelps and jumps behind brick wall defending self with sword *

What would your dream summer vacation be?

hmm...probably just staying at home. but UNLIKE this summer, i would be hanging out with my friends every day, and watching great movies with them, and yea :)

After a rainstorm, what you think of when you see the sun peeking out from the clouds?

At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Oh, yeah, at last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clovers
The night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to rest my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine
At last

:) for those of you that dont know, thats an old love song. but aint it perfect for this???

If you were stranded on a desert island with the sun streaming down on you and had ONE palm tree for shade, you can only have three things with you; what would they be?

a boat, a bible, and a magical pen that never runs out and can make notebooks appear :)

Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or neopolitan?

vanilla/chocolate swirl :)

If you saw your celebrity crush walking down the beach with a surfboard, what would you do?

freak out inside and tell my best friend { who would be with me } then i'd go over to him and be like "hey! can u teach me to surf?" { cuz i actually wanna learn } and then i MIGHT oh-so-casually mention that he looks familiar and when he tells me what movies he's been in i'll be all "oh yea! great flick!" and then continue being my charming and casual self :)

If you went back in time for a day, what era would you go back to, and why?

hmm...probably the 80's cuz i just love their clothes and EVERYTHING. but then again i kinda wanna visit the cowboy days and be a cowgirl for a day :) so either one of those.

What's your favorite thing about waking up on a summer morning?

not having school. HALLELUJAH!!!

Your soundtrack or theme song(s) for the summer:

Party Rock Anthem: LMFAO

Say you went to California to visit family. What's the first thing you would buy?

umm. im not that into buying things but maybe a surfboard :)

Manicure, pedicure, or facial?

:P can i please spend my money on something usefull? like a new action movie? or a video game? 

What's your favorite color combination?

gold and blue. like those gorgeous sunsets where the sun is like, liquid gold. and the sky is a powdery blue :) yup. that.

If you were at the beach and you wanted to write a message in the sand, what would you write?

my name and the date, and a cool quote.

You're stuck in Paris with $10,000. What do you do?

send Patti a ticket to come join me, go to a sweet little cafe somewhere, buy a poodle { cuz serriously? who can resist sweet dogs? } and then visit the Eiffle Tower. then i'd go pick my friend and we'd be touristy and get some ah-dorable french guys to show us around cuz we just kewl like that xD ohyea.

What's your most favorite type of summer weather?

sunny and warm, with a slight breeze :)

Blowing bubbles while taking a bubble bath?

duuhh :)

Cupcakes or dictionaries?

cupcakes :) dictionarys are fab and all but...moist, deliciousness cannot be rivaled :)

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