Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Evening Sun is Shining :)

Hello again Cupcakes :)

i know, i know, this is my second post today. Well i think i have a problem. i am officially addicted to blogging :P at least i think i am. The internet here was down for most of the day and i was going berserk tryin to fix it. Its fixed! {haha. obviously :P} anywho, im feeling the need to post a couple pics. here y'are xD

The Bee-utiful evening sunshine that is gone now but was gorgeous while it lasted :)

kay folks. Look at that picture, and tell me you dont like the evening sunshine. i mean just LOOK at it :) its so...golden and orangy and magical :) sigh.

dearest cupcakes, i have a dilema. A HUGE dilema. a dilema sooo big, that my little anteater brain might explode before i could solve it. Wouldnt that be sad? :( im feeling sad just thinking about it. Well darlings my issue is this. See, i was sitting here at this humble little laptop, when it struck me.

Yes. I KNOW little girl i now wanna hug. Im Hungry! :O in fact, i kinda felt a little like this.

Okay, okay. ALOT like this. And then came the problem...i had no idea whether to eat toast, or cereal!

{See? this kid gets my problem!}

now what would YOU choose? Crisp, melty, buttery, goodness?

Or Crunchy, milky, yummyness?

I was thinking hard about this one, when it hit me!

what if i had BOTH...

i know right? its such an inconcievable, crazy idea :P who'da thunk? but i did it :) i just poured myself some delish corn flakes and now ima go make toast. (cuz im such a crazy rebel)

happily munching,

-aven the anteater x)

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