Saturday, August 20, 2011

* nervous smile *


So. I did it! Ive been griping about cupcakes for so long that I decided to just do it. And I did. And now 24 little bundles of joy are puffing up in the oven. I cheated a little and used a devils food cake mix instead of doin em from scratch but I wasn't sure if we had enuf ingredients so I played ot safe.

Sigh. This is my first baking expedition I have ever set out to do alone. These will be my first baked goods made by my hands only. So yea, I hope they turn out good. In fact I'm kinda praying like crazy they will. So..please God? For the sake of a first alone baking experience either? * insert darling grin here *

Anywho i need to go tell my mother that my brother is jumping in the kitchen ON PURPOSE after i told him not to for the safety of my baby's, of course he just went into a jumping frenzy after i told him. I need a sister. G2g now but ill be back to tell you how they turn out :)

-a hopeful baker, Aven

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