Thursday, August 18, 2011

im ba-ack! :D sick of me yet?

hey cupcakes,

do you realize that this is my 7th post today? 7th!!! im obsessed :P tiz official. i am obsessed with this wonderfulness called blogging and im NEVER going back to my blog-less self! * morphs into scary darth vader with morbid red lightsaber * NEVEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!

kay :) im done.

anywaayyyss, i am now drooling over the new ipod touch...MINE!

iPod touch 32GB - Personalised
serriously tho? aint it bee-u-ti-full? * sighs in rapture. eyes turn into ipod touch-shaped orbs * ohmy. be still my beating heart  x) anyways i needa get 249 dollars before i can actually get one so...yea :P ohwell. i can dream :)
so yea :) ima go now..i wanna do a new post thingy xD seeya soon!

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