Thursday, August 18, 2011

a loverly day :)

hullo darlings,

how are we doing? i know this is lik, my 3rd post today? but honestly, i am feeling the need to blog all of a sudden. sigh. my grandparents just got home <3 they've been gone for like, all summer and im happy that they're home :) ohmy. i just admired my Grandpa's new iphone 4. a thing of beauty :) i love my grandparents.

wow this is turning into a fab. day. i can smell lasagna in the oven, fresh garlic bread, i have a new book compliments to my grandparents called "Lie's Young Women Believe and the Truth that sets them free" it looks great. and now i must go cuz mai mum is telling me to get off. bye lovelys!


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