Friday, August 19, 2011

Home again!

Hullo cupcakes,

Well I'm home! Yup. Officially back home with all of my family. Sigh. I didn't really miss this place when we were living at my grandparents but now that I'm back I'm finding that I like the solitude of my room :) the only thing i would change is my brothers running around fighting and screaming and crying in the morning. It is not a pleasant thing to be woken up by -.-

Anyways, I'm blogging! * happy dance * ya, I didn't think I'd be able to very much but thankfully we have the iPad so I won't be completely technology deprived :) and you won't have to go for a week before me posting. So yay for the iPad! (even tho I still want a laptop...)

Ooooo! Guess what? My room is getting cleaned/organized! For the first time in!....well...a long time! So I'm happy :) I don't mind a messy room but now I'm decorating things to my liking and it's looking really good. * contented sigh * now it won't drive me crazy to be in here all winter.

Urgh. I wanna see a friend so badly right now but Dana is at work, and I tried emailing, texting, AND calling Patti but she's not answering anything. Sigh. Ohwell. Guess I'll have to content myself with blogging :) brb I need the charging cord for the iPad....

*2 minute pause *

Kay, I'm back :) and the little iPad is regenerating itself so I can blog away without worry. So yeah. What to do, what to do....all my friends are busy, my room is clean, and there's nothing to do. Hmm. Maybe I'll go do a craft. I saw this great Idea on another blog. You get a jar, and then a bunch of post it notes or pretty, small papers. Then you write a dream that you have on a paper and put it in the jar. You do that until all your dreams are in the jar and the. You just add more when you get more! It sounds fun and I know my family has a bunch of jars so I think I'll go do it after I'm done blogging.

I just remembered something. Me and Dana were going to write letters together. Y'kno, good old snail mail? Yup. We need to write letters to Tristha, (who is now at boarding school in BC ) and I need to write one to my friend Lauren. We also thought it would be fun to write letters to each other. { yes she lives right up the street but hey, getting letters is so fun! } o yea. Me and her might do that later. But first she needs to get back from work and i think she's working until suppertime. -.- how lovely for me.

Alright, I hate complaining so ima stop now but I REALLY wish I could get ahold of someone. Figures I would want to hang out with everyone when I was downtown but the day i get back everyones busy. Whoops! Now I'm done. Really. Okay.

New paragraph, new topic. Weather! If I could I'd give God a great big hug and thank you for giving us this gorgeous weather! Blue sky with a few puffy clouds, a summery breeze, and SUNSHINE!!!!! * dances in glorious sun! * yeah. Its pree darn gorgeous. And to top off a lovely day, I now need to raise just 219 dollars for my iPod touch! Yup. I have hit the $100 marker! Woot woot! * pats self on back and sighs with happyness* I am officially 100 dollars closer to my little music-playing, app-holding friend. Yay!

Now, just cuz I can, ima post a list of my favorite things right now. Enjoy!

-my hot pink fuzzy rug.

-my fuzzy socks. Yes, they saved my feet from going into their freezing-state last night. Normally my feet turn into ice blocks around 12am but with fuzzy socks? Warmth all the way x)

-my bed. Small though it may be, tis quite comfy and I enjoy it.

-sunshine! I love you, oh sun!

-pancakes for breakfast, yum.

-my hair. Oay that sounded really vain but honestly it's my favorite feature. I especially love conditioning it. Don't look at me like that, it's not SO wierd,

-converse. Oh bee-u-ti-full darling converse. They're so ah-mazing i can barely stand it. :( I just wish my pair hadn't gotten smaller over winter. Ohwell. I saw some great lime green hightop ones and ima put em on my Christmas wish list. Who's knows right?

-snowboarding. Oh how I miss thee. SIGH.

-awesome posters hanging in my room. I'll take some pics later and put em up. You will not be disappointed.

-walking. I love walking. So much. It's honestly my favorite thing to do this summer. Besides push people off docks. *COFFpattiCOFF*

-blogging! Honestly I don't know what I'd do without it. I got bitten by the bloggers bug and I have permanent obsession with it. You decide if that's a good or bad thing ;)

-ohmyword. I luv this smiley ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) it looks so cheeky! Wow. That made me happy.

-ac-shun movies! Ohyea! Wats a summer without great movies thrown into the mix of blogging and walking? Ill tell ya. BORING. So do it :) get a great movie like predator or captain America and watch it. And then be glad you did. Speaking of movies, IF I get ahold of patti we're goon watch prince caspian. Uh-huh :)

-dream jars! I fact, Im goona go start mine right now. Talk to ya lAter!

Crafting away,


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