Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The post with no title cuz avens brain can't think of one right now...

Hullo bubbletarts,

How are all of you? I'm good. Sorry there hasn't been any posts for awhile. I made a couple drafts but then I'd get pulled into sum thing else before I could Finnish it. So yea. Sorry.

Guess what? My friends and i have done some pretty stupendous things as of late xD this list includes chasing rainbows with Dana, an amazing phone conversation with patti, and seeing the most awesome little kid ever at the dump. Hehe. I know. Were wierd xD

Kay, so just cuz, I'ma tell you bout the convo with patti. Alright, so i was in my room, and then my mom brings me the phone and says it's my bestest best friend. I answer and she immediately responds with "guess what?" { note that it was said in an excited voice} so I'm like, "what?" and she goes " okay, so you know how when the rapture happens were going to heaven for the marriage supper of the lamb? And how were gonna be there for 7 earth years?" and I was like " yup." to which my clearly ecstatic friend said " do you get that?!?! Were gonna be at the banquet for 7 years!!! 7 years of eating the most delicious food ever!!!!!!" well we talked about how incredibly stupendous that was, and then a few other things. But honestly isn't it great how me and her just...call each other about stuff like that? I dunno but i thought twas pretty amazing :)

Anyways, I'm sitting outside on my porch. It's really pretty outside, and the sky is changing colors with the sunset and it smells lovely. Summer is so great :) I wanted to have patti over for a sleepover and we almost did but then we couldn't :( * mourns loss * it woulda been so great if we could have...ohwell. Maybe we can pitch a tent in my yard another night and watch prince caspian and make cupcakes :)

Oh and just incase you're wondering, Mark is an amazing 4 year old with a Mohawk that me and patti both agree is just...stupendous. He's great :) and he says the cutest things ever. Heh heh.....memories xD

Ohsigh. Right now is a lovely moment. My hair is soft and falling over my shoulders, the sky is 50 different shades of blue, and the air is night-time fresh. However, my butt is getting sore so I'ma go inside. Brb.

* 30 seconds later *

Ahhhhhhhh. There we go :) comfy, cushiony bed for my bottom instead of hard, cold, plastic. As gorgeous as tonight is I am glad for a warm house :) now i think I'll get a cup of tea and a fritter my mom made and go watch tv with her. Me hungry :)

Later cupcakes! And oh, wish me luck tomorrow. I'm goona try to be showered and dressed and ready for the day by 11 o'clock so me and patti can do something together. InSTEAD of spending all day making a plan and having it not work out. Sound smart? Thought so ;)

Make peace,

Give love,

Eat cupcakes.


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