Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good morning Sunshine!!!!

Hullo Cupcakes,

I cant believe im awake right now. Normally at 9:50 in the morning, i am still peacfully slumbering under my warm blankets. Blissfully unaware of anything happening in the world. Not today! i woke up because my stupid alarm clock went off -.- alarm clocks are such a joy arent they? anyways, i COULD have gone back to sleep but...i dunno. Some days i WANT to be up, y'kno? its like, i dont actually wanna sleep the day away. Actually, its becoming a pet peeve of mine to be up and dressed before 12 o'clock. If im not, i feel really annoyed at myself for sleeping so long and then i feel like ive wasted my day. So here i am!

thanks alarm clock :) {even though i DID want to murder you when you first came on...}

So anyways Cupcakes, how ya doin? hopefully good :) Good is Good. haha. Anywho...whos up for sum pics? kay, me too :D here we go...

hullo flowers in a teapot which i think is adorabelle...

hullo chiller from Second Cup that i am now craving...

{it figures that this deal is for tuesday, which it happens to be. It also figures that the Second Cup closest to me is kilometres and kilometres away :( }

hullo Dennys Grand Slam breakfast that is also in a town far far away :(

Hullo thunderstorm that the weather people are saying is to be happening all day.

hullo cupcakes in the shape of teacups....

Hullo Ted Decker book that i am reading...

Hullo end of post :(

yes adorable little girl. I wish it didnt have to end now either. Unfortunatly my mother is making me get off the computer. Sigh. i cant wait until i get my own laptop...

Talk to all you lovelys later!

buh-bye cupcakes,

-aven :)

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