Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sorry! :(

Hullo Lovelys,

i kno, i kno. I havent posted for a long time...a REALLY long time. But i know that. and im sorry.

see that? im so sorry, that im bribeing your forgiveness with an adorable King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Forgive me. And if you cant find it in yourself to forgive ME, then look at that sweet little puppys face and decide to forgive me anyways.

Kay lovelys. im sorry. i dont really have anything to post about right now. these past few weeks have provided me with nothing but bug bites and boredom. Whoop. Argh...i feel so pathetic right now. It was a cloudy, drizzly day, Im sitting in the house with nothing to do, dreaming about hanging out with someone i CANT hang out with right now, listening to Party Rock Anthem (the best song in the history of the universe) and oh! i should tell you about one of the lovelyest experiences so far in my 14th year of living.

Kay. So the other day, i went to Reid Lake with my family. we went there, cuz my bestie Patti and HER family were at a campsite there and we wanted to visit with them. so...we packed some food, and I packed overnight things :) once we got there it was straight to the lake and into the water :) oh heaven. It was the perfect cool temperature on a hot day without being frozen. Then we went back to the campsite for hot dogs and later, me, patti, and her other friends that were there (that are my friends too :D) walked to the beach in the evening and played truth or dare in the evening sun :) twas lovely. truly lovely and happy and full of warm fuzzy feelings towards my friends and the world. (with the exception of when patti murdered not just the first, but the first AND SECOND of my baby sand turtles :( poor little fellas....)

 But....the best part was the next day when i went swimming again :) all of us went, but eventually everyone got bored and the only people left was me and my friend Cassie. So we're out there swimming around in this amazing water (despite the disgusting weedy, mucky lake bottom -,-) and what does it do? it rains. yup. the heavens open up and before we know it, we're surrounded by a musical sound that i cant even describe. it was the sound of raindrops on the water and it was just....amazing. turns out swimming in the rain is almost as fun as dancing in it x)

so there we are. a super fun time and a new rain memory :) good times. and will i do it again? you bet your raindrop covered eyelashes!

later chicas :)


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