Thursday, August 25, 2011

False Alarm!

hey cupakes,

i am very pleased to say that my hunch was not correct! so a-blogging i will go! :) just thought id letcha know that i was wrong. and i am very glad i was wrong about that. so yea :) sorry to get yur blood pressure up xD


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just fyi.....


Just so y'all dun think I ditched you, im letting you kno that I have a hunch i won't be blogging for a few days. Just so ya kno...

-we all know by know right? Good.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The post with no title cuz avens brain can't think of one right now...

Hullo bubbletarts,

How are all of you? I'm good. Sorry there hasn't been any posts for awhile. I made a couple drafts but then I'd get pulled into sum thing else before I could Finnish it. So yea. Sorry.

Guess what? My friends and i have done some pretty stupendous things as of late xD this list includes chasing rainbows with Dana, an amazing phone conversation with patti, and seeing the most awesome little kid ever at the dump. Hehe. I know. Were wierd xD

Kay, so just cuz, I'ma tell you bout the convo with patti. Alright, so i was in my room, and then my mom brings me the phone and says it's my bestest best friend. I answer and she immediately responds with "guess what?" { note that it was said in an excited voice} so I'm like, "what?" and she goes " okay, so you know how when the rapture happens were going to heaven for the marriage supper of the lamb? And how were gonna be there for 7 earth years?" and I was like " yup." to which my clearly ecstatic friend said " do you get that?!?! Were gonna be at the banquet for 7 years!!! 7 years of eating the most delicious food ever!!!!!!" well we talked about how incredibly stupendous that was, and then a few other things. But honestly isn't it great how me and her each other about stuff like that? I dunno but i thought twas pretty amazing :)

Anyways, I'm sitting outside on my porch. It's really pretty outside, and the sky is changing colors with the sunset and it smells lovely. Summer is so great :) I wanted to have patti over for a sleepover and we almost did but then we couldn't :( * mourns loss * it woulda been so great if we could have...ohwell. Maybe we can pitch a tent in my yard another night and watch prince caspian and make cupcakes :)

Oh and just incase you're wondering, Mark is an amazing 4 year old with a Mohawk that me and patti both agree is just...stupendous. He's great :) and he says the cutest things ever. Heh heh.....memories xD

Ohsigh. Right now is a lovely moment. My hair is soft and falling over my shoulders, the sky is 50 different shades of blue, and the air is night-time fresh. However, my butt is getting sore so I'ma go inside. Brb.

* 30 seconds later *

Ahhhhhhhh. There we go :) comfy, cushiony bed for my bottom instead of hard, cold, plastic. As gorgeous as tonight is I am glad for a warm house :) now i think I'll get a cup of tea and a fritter my mom made and go watch tv with her. Me hungry :)

Later cupcakes! And oh, wish me luck tomorrow. I'm goona try to be showered and dressed and ready for the day by 11 o'clock so me and patti can do something together. InSTEAD of spending all day making a plan and having it not work out. Sound smart? Thought so ;)

Make peace,

Give love,

Eat cupcakes.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to my 45th post!

Hullo cupcakes,

As you may have caught onto judging by my title, today is my 45th post! * clasp clap * I wonder if the reason I have so many is posting like, 5 times a day... XP who knows?

Anyways I'm in my room trying to think of what to do now. I just had a shower, { yes at 3:30 pm what of it? } and now I wanna DO something but there's nothing to do -.- my mom and brothers are out, dana's at work, and patti is busy cleaning her house. I may give her a call though...

so yea, I'm kinda blogging cuz I had nothing to do. Haha. yes, again. I don't feel like baking cuz it's hot, I have no-one to watch a good movie with, and my friends are busy. Sigh. Is it just me or does this post sound kinda like yesterday's and the day befores? Lol. You can tell I'm bored -,-

Wait! I gotta go. Me and mom are goin out and shes leaving the boys with dad. Ttyl!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

oh boring sunday...what to do with thee?

hullo all,

so here i am, posting again today xP sorry. i honestly have nothing better to do or i would be doing that. alright. ima do a question thingy right now. ive done it before and its technically called "The Saturday Morning Daybook" but heck ima do it whenever i want xD kay. here ya go...

Date... Sunday, August 21st, 2011 
Starting time... 4:13 pm
Mood... bored, wanting to walk, bored.
Outside my window... grey skys, spitting rain. 
I'm thinking... that i REALLY wanna go for a walk when i get home.
I'm currently reading... nothing but when i get home im breaking out "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe"
I'm listening to... The Deep Magic: Sandra E Taylor
I'm wearing... one of my grandpa's black t-shirts with a cool christian message on it and my white sporty, puma capri's
I'm looking forward to... getting home and doing something with a friend.
I'm hoping... at least ONE of my friends can/wants to go for a walk with me. 
Yesterday, I... made cupcakes and went for 2 walks with Dana :)
I'm hungry for... cake :) ima go get a piece in a minute....
The song stuck inside my head is... The Deep Magic: Sandra E Taylor
I love... walking, cupcakes, walking, cupcakes, walk- ya, u get the point :)
I loathe... being bored, when all my friends are busy, being cowardly, cold days.
This week, my goal is... to see a friend every day.
Did I meet last week's goal?... ummmm... yup! got to sleep no later then 1 every night! thats shavin 2 hours off the equation! * claps for self *
Ending time... 4:27 pm
alrighty-o my bubbletarts. the time has come for me to log off and drive home, where HOPEFULLY at least one friend can do something. if not, i will be stuck in my room -,- so lets hope.


rejoice with me, my fellow cupcake lovers!!!

for i say unto thee, yesterday i created the perfect cupcake. kay, enuf with the scribal talk xD but serriously dey wur SO NUMMY. they puffed up perfectly, and tasted ah-mazingly moist and delish xD mmmm.... so good....

anyways, today was church. twas good. nuthin new. basically just like any other week. so yea.

anyways, it has just been brought to my attention that Patti's family's copy of Rio { one of da best movies ever } has been THROWN OUT!!!!!!

* crowd gasps in horror *

i kno rite?  its so tragic...and i have yet to find out how and why such an event happened.

but moving ooooonnn, i am now at my grandparents again { we just had lunch here } and i am half wanting to be at home and half not. y'see i DO wanna go home cuz then i mite be able to go for a walk with a friend, but i DONT because well, if none of my friends can do anything i dont wanna be stuck in my room being bored.


i finished my Dream jar! yes! i really did it! * congratulates self * and its very pretty :) and ill post pictures later. -,- i kno ive been saying that alot so let me explain.

see, i wanted a camera. so, for christmas 2 years ago, my family gave me a didgital camera! yay! and so now, i have my camera, but the memory is full. and i HAD  a memory stick for dowloading my pics onto, but my little brothers somehow got ahold of it and LOST IT. so now, i have no way of downloading my pictures, thus, i have no way of TAKING pictures, concluding that i cannot show you pictures of the things i want too. sigh.

but anywhooo, my dream jar. so i got this jar from the kitchen, and i brought it to my room. then i got some old newspaper, modge-podge, a paintbrush, and tissue paper. y'kno that super thin colored paper that people put in presents? ya. that stuff.

so i set everything up, and cut out little squares of the tissue paper. then i put a layer of mp {modge-podge} on the jar, and glued the tissue paper ontop. once you do that on every side of the jar, you put mp on the tissue paper, and you keep doing that until you have enough paper on to be able to tell what color it is. so i did the entire jar a light blue. then, i took the lid, and put purple paper on it. after the paper was on, i tied a dark purple ribbon around the lid, and screwed it on the jar. success! after that i just got some letter stickers and put "Dreams"  on the side. and voila! the dream jar is complete :) actually, i finnished it at 11 o'clock on the dot. haha.

so yea, im sorry this post is so dull xP im bored. hope we go home soon. i could use some friends right about now instead of a computer xP


Saturday, August 20, 2011

* nervous smile *


So. I did it! Ive been griping about cupcakes for so long that I decided to just do it. And I did. And now 24 little bundles of joy are puffing up in the oven. I cheated a little and used a devils food cake mix instead of doin em from scratch but I wasn't sure if we had enuf ingredients so I played ot safe.

Sigh. This is my first baking expedition I have ever set out to do alone. These will be my first baked goods made by my hands only. So yea, I hope they turn out good. In fact I'm kinda praying like crazy they will. So..please God? For the sake of a first alone baking experience either? * insert darling grin here *

Anywho i need to go tell my mother that my brother is jumping in the kitchen ON PURPOSE after i told him not to for the safety of my baby's, of course he just went into a jumping frenzy after i told him. I need a sister. G2g now but ill be back to tell you how they turn out :)

-a hopeful baker, Aven

SHE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!

Patti is alive!

Yup! You heard it here first! Turns out she and her family were just out school supply shopping xP not being held hostage by a madman like i was imagining...

MOVING ON. I really feel like making cupcakes. In fact, i wanna make cupcakes and watch Prince Caspian. However, such activities are quite dull when done alone so I'ma see if patti wants to come over :) later tho, cuz she busy putting school supplies away and...yee. So in the meantime i think I'll go make cupcakes! Either that or work on my dream jar. Anyways watever I do I'ma go do it now cuz I'm tired of sitting around a house all day. Hmm. Cupcakes sound good :) think ill go see if we have any yummy recipes ;)

Kay, so for all of you who were out there looking for patti and shoving my WANTED posters in peoples faces y'all can stop now. She alive :)

Later bubbletarts!

give love,
Make peace,
Eat cupcakes.


my fate....

Hullo cupcakes,

Guess what? I have a sneaking suspicion that today will follow very closely in yesterday's footsteps. Which means that I can't get ahold of my friends, and that I'm goona be stuck at home all day. Great. Ohwell. I have my book and my dream jar :) yea...I guess I could start that xD i kno I was goona yesterday but my family ended up going to my grandparents and then It was to late to start it when I got back. So yea, my dream jar is still a dream :) but i think ill do it today. No really, i think I will this time x)

Ohmy. This morning, after I had been woken up by crying/screaming brothers AGAIN, i was looking at my poster of the movie prince caspian and I got TOTALLY caught up in a little daydream. I was thinking how cool it would be if i could have a friend over and then we could like, go to Narnia by crawling into the poster. Pretty sweet right? And then i was thinking about who I would choose to be our escort around and...yea it was pretty great :)

Anyways,now I'm getting bored and i wanna get ahold of Patti but wat can ya do when you try everything and still can't get ahold of someone? I haven't talked to her since thursday morning. Like, seriously. Shes not answering any texts or emails, and no-one answered at her house when I called. I'm starting to wonder if she left the country or something. Hmm... Just in case any of y'all have seen her...



D.O.B: 12/05/97





These are but a few main details about Patti.C, if you see her, we urge you to report immediately to Aven and she can capture her best friend and demand to know where she has been the past 24 hours. Thank you.

Alrighty folks, there ya have it! And now I gotta go. Patti if you read this, CALL ME.

Creating a dream jar,


Friday, August 19, 2011

hullo bubbletarts,

how are we all doing? guess what? this post is NOT being written on the ipad :O thats right. i am back on my native laptop! *applause * wanna know how i managed that? well y'see today is my grandparents 44th Anniversary! * wild applause and congratulations * uh-huh :) so, we came down to their house bearing tidings of German Chocolate cake with whipped caramel iceing, and flowers and a card :) { im also constructing an origami bouquet cuz im cool like that }

anyways, as my little brothers dine at the table, i am sitting here blogging { duhr } and thinking about an amazing book i just read called "Heaven is for Real." heres the summary on the back of the book...

When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren't expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed-a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy's trip to heaven and back.

Colton, not yet four years old, told his parents he left his body during the surgery-and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that match the bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read.

With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how "really, really big" God is, and how much God loves us. Retold by his father, but using Colton's uniquely simple words, Heaven is for Real offers a glimpse of the world that awaits us, where as Colton says, "Nobody is old, and nobody wears glasses."

Heaven is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child.

So sounds great right? tiz. i started, and finnished it today and i loved it. { note how that was italicized, underlined, and bold. Thats how great it was. so go read it :) you wont be sorry. 

anyways, ima go google it :) talk to ya later!


Home again!

Hullo cupcakes,

Well I'm home! Yup. Officially back home with all of my family. Sigh. I didn't really miss this place when we were living at my grandparents but now that I'm back I'm finding that I like the solitude of my room :) the only thing i would change is my brothers running around fighting and screaming and crying in the morning. It is not a pleasant thing to be woken up by -.-

Anyways, I'm blogging! * happy dance * ya, I didn't think I'd be able to very much but thankfully we have the iPad so I won't be completely technology deprived :) and you won't have to go for a week before me posting. So yay for the iPad! (even tho I still want a laptop...)

Ooooo! Guess what? My room is getting cleaned/organized! For the first time in!....well...a long time! So I'm happy :) I don't mind a messy room but now I'm decorating things to my liking and it's looking really good. * contented sigh * now it won't drive me crazy to be in here all winter.

Urgh. I wanna see a friend so badly right now but Dana is at work, and I tried emailing, texting, AND calling Patti but she's not answering anything. Sigh. Ohwell. Guess I'll have to content myself with blogging :) brb I need the charging cord for the iPad....

*2 minute pause *

Kay, I'm back :) and the little iPad is regenerating itself so I can blog away without worry. So yeah. What to do, what to do....all my friends are busy, my room is clean, and there's nothing to do. Hmm. Maybe I'll go do a craft. I saw this great Idea on another blog. You get a jar, and then a bunch of post it notes or pretty, small papers. Then you write a dream that you have on a paper and put it in the jar. You do that until all your dreams are in the jar and the. You just add more when you get more! It sounds fun and I know my family has a bunch of jars so I think I'll go do it after I'm done blogging.

I just remembered something. Me and Dana were going to write letters together. Y'kno, good old snail mail? Yup. We need to write letters to Tristha, (who is now at boarding school in BC ) and I need to write one to my friend Lauren. We also thought it would be fun to write letters to each other. { yes she lives right up the street but hey, getting letters is so fun! } o yea. Me and her might do that later. But first she needs to get back from work and i think she's working until suppertime. -.- how lovely for me.

Alright, I hate complaining so ima stop now but I REALLY wish I could get ahold of someone. Figures I would want to hang out with everyone when I was downtown but the day i get back everyones busy. Whoops! Now I'm done. Really. Okay.

New paragraph, new topic. Weather! If I could I'd give God a great big hug and thank you for giving us this gorgeous weather! Blue sky with a few puffy clouds, a summery breeze, and SUNSHINE!!!!! * dances in glorious sun! * yeah. Its pree darn gorgeous. And to top off a lovely day, I now need to raise just 219 dollars for my iPod touch! Yup. I have hit the $100 marker! Woot woot! * pats self on back and sighs with happyness* I am officially 100 dollars closer to my little music-playing, app-holding friend. Yay!

Now, just cuz I can, ima post a list of my favorite things right now. Enjoy!

-my hot pink fuzzy rug.

-my fuzzy socks. Yes, they saved my feet from going into their freezing-state last night. Normally my feet turn into ice blocks around 12am but with fuzzy socks? Warmth all the way x)

-my bed. Small though it may be, tis quite comfy and I enjoy it.

-sunshine! I love you, oh sun!

-pancakes for breakfast, yum.

-my hair. Oay that sounded really vain but honestly it's my favorite feature. I especially love conditioning it. Don't look at me like that, it's not SO wierd,

-converse. Oh bee-u-ti-full darling converse. They're so ah-mazing i can barely stand it. :( I just wish my pair hadn't gotten smaller over winter. Ohwell. I saw some great lime green hightop ones and ima put em on my Christmas wish list. Who's knows right?

-snowboarding. Oh how I miss thee. SIGH.

-awesome posters hanging in my room. I'll take some pics later and put em up. You will not be disappointed.

-walking. I love walking. So much. It's honestly my favorite thing to do this summer. Besides push people off docks. *COFFpattiCOFF*

-blogging! Honestly I don't know what I'd do without it. I got bitten by the bloggers bug and I have permanent obsession with it. You decide if that's a good or bad thing ;)

-ohmyword. I luv this smiley ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;);) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) it looks so cheeky! Wow. That made me happy.

-ac-shun movies! Ohyea! Wats a summer without great movies thrown into the mix of blogging and walking? Ill tell ya. BORING. So do it :) get a great movie like predator or captain America and watch it. And then be glad you did. Speaking of movies, IF I get ahold of patti we're goon watch prince caspian. Uh-huh :)

-dream jars! I fact, Im goona go start mine right now. Talk to ya lAter!

Crafting away,


Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Poll

hey peeps :)

this is yours truly, and i am speaking to ya bout the lil poll thingy i posted :) according to all you guys, { and by all i mean the 3 ppl that voted } i should leave my blog just the way it is. however, i am getting the renovational itch and i think that too bad, so sad for the 2 ppl that told me not to change it :P i rlly wanna new look. so yea. if you come back and its different...dont say i didnt warn ya :)

plotting change,


im ba-ack! :D sick of me yet?

hey cupcakes,

do you realize that this is my 7th post today? 7th!!! im obsessed :P tiz official. i am obsessed with this wonderfulness called blogging and im NEVER going back to my blog-less self! * morphs into scary darth vader with morbid red lightsaber * NEVEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!

kay :) im done.

anywaayyyss, i am now drooling over the new ipod touch...MINE!

iPod touch 32GB - Personalised
serriously tho? aint it bee-u-ti-full? * sighs in rapture. eyes turn into ipod touch-shaped orbs * ohmy. be still my beating heart  x) anyways i needa get 249 dollars before i can actually get one so...yea :P ohwell. i can dream :)
so yea :) ima go now..i wanna do a new post thingy xD seeya soon!

a loverly day :)

hullo darlings,

how are we doing? i know this is lik, my 3rd post today? but honestly, i am feeling the need to blog all of a sudden. sigh. my grandparents just got home <3 they've been gone for like, all summer and im happy that they're home :) ohmy. i just admired my Grandpa's new iphone 4. a thing of beauty :) i love my grandparents.

wow this is turning into a fab. day. i can smell lasagna in the oven, fresh garlic bread, i have a new book compliments to my grandparents called "Lie's Young Women Believe and the Truth that sets them free" it looks great. and now i must go cuz mai mum is telling me to get off. bye lovelys!


kay. y'all are goona kill me but....

heh...heh....yup. another one! * yelps and jumps behind brick wall defending self with sword *

What would your dream summer vacation be?

hmm...probably just staying at home. but UNLIKE this summer, i would be hanging out with my friends every day, and watching great movies with them, and yea :)

After a rainstorm, what you think of when you see the sun peeking out from the clouds?

At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Oh, yeah, at last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clovers
The night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to rest my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine
At last

:) for those of you that dont know, thats an old love song. but aint it perfect for this???

If you were stranded on a desert island with the sun streaming down on you and had ONE palm tree for shade, you can only have three things with you; what would they be?

a boat, a bible, and a magical pen that never runs out and can make notebooks appear :)

Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or neopolitan?

vanilla/chocolate swirl :)

If you saw your celebrity crush walking down the beach with a surfboard, what would you do?

freak out inside and tell my best friend { who would be with me } then i'd go over to him and be like "hey! can u teach me to surf?" { cuz i actually wanna learn } and then i MIGHT oh-so-casually mention that he looks familiar and when he tells me what movies he's been in i'll be all "oh yea! great flick!" and then continue being my charming and casual self :)

If you went back in time for a day, what era would you go back to, and why?

hmm...probably the 80's cuz i just love their clothes and EVERYTHING. but then again i kinda wanna visit the cowboy days and be a cowgirl for a day :) so either one of those.

What's your favorite thing about waking up on a summer morning?

not having school. HALLELUJAH!!!

Your soundtrack or theme song(s) for the summer:

Party Rock Anthem: LMFAO

Say you went to California to visit family. What's the first thing you would buy?

umm. im not that into buying things but maybe a surfboard :)

Manicure, pedicure, or facial?

:P can i please spend my money on something usefull? like a new action movie? or a video game? 

What's your favorite color combination?

gold and blue. like those gorgeous sunsets where the sun is like, liquid gold. and the sky is a powdery blue :) yup. that.

If you were at the beach and you wanted to write a message in the sand, what would you write?

my name and the date, and a cool quote.

You're stuck in Paris with $10,000. What do you do?

send Patti a ticket to come join me, go to a sweet little cafe somewhere, buy a poodle { cuz serriously? who can resist sweet dogs? } and then visit the Eiffle Tower. then i'd go pick my friend and we'd be touristy and get some ah-dorable french guys to show us around cuz we just kewl like that xD ohyea.

What's your most favorite type of summer weather?

sunny and warm, with a slight breeze :)

Blowing bubbles while taking a bubble bath?

duuhh :)

Cupcakes or dictionaries?

cupcakes :) dictionarys are fab and all but...moist, deliciousness cannot be rivaled :)

to know me better :)

alright, alright, so i KNOW ive done alot of these but...i really cant help it :) they amuse me. and in my computer-filled life a little amusment is always good. y'are! :D

Age: 14 and 15 days :) 

Bed size: urm..i think its a double...ya thats it.

Chore you hate:  well i WOULD have said dishes-hands down but i think...oh fudgesticks i dont know :P cleaning my room? ya lets go with that.

Dogs: HAH. i wish. i was promised a dog once i was a "big girl" then we had my first lil bro. i was supposed to wait till he was 3. a few months after he turned 3 along came brother numer 2. then it was for SURE when HE was 3. literally, a week after he turned 3, came brother number 3. the last child, say my parents. hes almost four. i still dont have a dog. touchy topic. -,-

Essential start of your day: become aware that i am awake, moan and look at clock. growl under covers at little brothers screaming and running around the house. try and go back to sleep. find it impossible. get up, shower, blog.

Favorite color: rainbow!!!
Gold or silver:  both :)
Height: tall.
Instruments I play (or have played): recorder xD, clarinet { sorta } and i teach myself piano.
Job title: student. occasional writer. :P
Kids: not till marriage. which is a LONG ways off because A. im 14 and B. i havent even had a boyfriend yet. yea :)
Live: the land of cold and snow -,-yea its a love/hate relationship...
Mom's name: Kristin.
Nickname: ave, aves, annie, :P exciting right? im workin on sumthin better.
Pet peeve: younger siblings sitting in passenger seat forcing me to crawl in the back of the car. GRR.
Quote from a movie:
Edmund: You're welcome.
Peter: I had it sorted!
Susan: What was it this time?
Peter: he bumped me.
Lucy: So you hit him?!
Peter: No. After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him. 
Right or left handed: left :D thats right. im special.
Siblings: 3 little brothers. age:10,almost 7, and almost 4. God? a sister? please?
Time you wake up: 1 pm xD jk. now its more like...10ish :P i kno, i kno im lazy. but hey! summertime baby!
Underwear: i wear it....ya :P
 Vegetables you dislike: everything except carrots, corn, and lettuce.
What makes you run late: my family. trying to get 6 people out the door on time, properly prepared for whatever we're doing is NOT easy. 
X-rays you've had done: um. my right arm when i broke it, and my teeth a couple times.
Yummy food you make: duz toast count? no. fine. um...Cupcakes!
Zoo animal: tigers. 'cept i dont like seeing them in captivity :(
alrighty folks! there y'are! another question thingymabob :) talk to y'all later!

the best...

kay so i just had to post this :)

when someone says the Chronicles of Narnia sucks:
"wait. what?"
"Yeah. That's what you get!!"
repost if this is yur reaction xD

mwa-ha-haaaa >:D

hey cupcakes,

r u confused by my smug and evil looking title? well dont be :) im just super stoked that im posting before noon xD  how lame is that? hah...well ive kinda been "lame" for the past...hmm lets see. well i was having an incredible month in July but then August started and for some reason unknown to man and aven, this has been a pretty crummy month -,- which is a crummy thing to admit but...yeaaa not really feelin the love for august this year. its been a lazy, boring, computer-filled month { not that i dont love blogging! } its just that after you've been on a computer almost all day, every day, it gets old. really old. but...yea. i think ima try to strengthen my outgoingness a lil more.

oooooh guess wat? i am right now delighting myself in a warm cup of delicious peppermint tea. ohmy tiz so lovely. i honestly think this is the best morning tea EVER cuz its got a revitalizing/energizingness about it :) mmm. i think i needa post a picture of tea now :) bear with me-

{ isnt that sweet? and it looks soo...yummy x) }

anyways my lovelys i must go check my email :) dont worry ima do another post right away.

happily sipping liquid gold,


a 'nother happy dreamy lovely post by yours truly :)

hullo cupcakes,

are y'all ready for a new post? no? too bad :) its happenin.

Favorite food: :P hardest question ever much! um...right now? cupcakes x) 

Favorite color: Rainbow :)

Favorite every day blog: hm... :D best ever!

Favorite show: right now? Reba :) hands down.

Favorite book: :O such a gahstly question! you really expect me to choose ONE? favourite right now is The Centurions Wife.

Another favorite blog: urm...

Favorite website: Blogger and my email. hands down. 

Favorite thing to post: weelll i dont really have any features soooo...anything :) 

Who you want to tag: Patti :

well there we are lovelys :) another question & answer thing that i seem to do alot of :P heh heh...what can i say? they're kinda addictive xD

anywhooo im feelin happy right now :) i was just talking to my dear anteater friend Cassie, i just drank a delish cup of English Toffee tea, and ate a chocolate biscotti, and im blogging and i just feel...content :) isnt it lovely to feel content? to be happy with where you are and what your doing and what you have? * sighs * it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

ohdear. i just had a terrible realization :( im transitioning back to MY house tomorrow (we've been house-sitting at my grandparents almost all summer) but the terrible thing about that is simply this.


* sobs * so yes my lovely cupcakes. this means less posts :( sure i'll use the ipad wont be the same. wow...this is pretty messed up. my GRANDPARENTS have a computer and i dont. backwards much? anyways im goona go try and get back into that "content" mind-zone i was in a ways back there...wish me luck. with THIS little baby looming over my head ill be lucky to get to sleep. anywho..

night lovelys!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

well hullo again lovelys :)

how are y'all spendin this fine Thursday morning? i am about to pray and thank my Heavenly Daddy for the change in weather i prayed for. y'see when i woke up this morning it was cloudy and overcast and WINDY. Now its still windy, and its sprinkling a little, but i can see some blue sky and at times the sun peeks out! thank you Jesus!

anywho, hows everyone doin? ooooh! * squeals * i know what im goona do! ima post my new favourite quote from Rio :) in fact, im goona dedicate this entire POST to mai favourite things in it. { there patti, are ya happy now? } kay folks get ready for some cuteness, some funnyness and just some STUPID awesome things :)


alrighty-o! heres my favourite quote. serriously, i love it.

Luiz: [as Blu sadly watches Jewel, Nico, Pedro and Rafael fly around in the sky with joy] Yep. I know just how you feel. Watchin' 'em up there, makes you want to chase them and.... grab 'em in your mouth and.... bite their heads off, huh?
[Blu remains silent]

hahaha. kay if yur not laffing right now im goona asume its cuz yur mouth is duct-taped shut. cuz thats just a priceless little quote :)

kay, so we know that Blu was taken in by Linda when he was "but a wee li'll bird" right? { that was to be said in a scottish accent } weeellll heres some pics of our dear main character :)

{ d'aaawww. aint that sweet? }

anndd all growed up :) ........

i actually really like Linda cuz of how she works in a Library. thats just..epic. 'nuff said.

and now, since Patti would kill me if i did a Rio post without mentioning this dynamic duo...

its Nico and Pedro! * blog-readers wildly applaud * and just for those of ya who HAVENT seen the movie yet, *coffCRAZYPERSON coffcoff..* Nico is the yellow one and Pedro is the red-headed one. xD lol that sounds funny...

{ bahahah. i luv pedros face in this one xD }

luv how gansta they look here...

das right! fly love!

 and to conclude my little Rio post...

cuz who dont luv a happy ending? alright folks. hope y'all enjoyed my little tribune!

give love,

make peace,

eat cupcakes :) 'nuff said.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

another average day...

hullo cupcakes :)

how is everyone? i hope y'all are good cuz everyone readin this blog is mai friend :) kay. may i just say that blogger deserves a round of applause? c'mon, join me * clappity clap clap clap clappity * kay. wonderin why we're applauding our blog provider? cuz they have the COOLEST little gadget thingy EVER. and i mean ever. look to the side of my blog and scroll down. see those adora-belle little fishes? feed them. is that not the best? ohmyfreckledgoshbubbles i luv it :)

alright. now, a matter of buisness. *ahem * "Gentlemen and Woman of the board, you may be seated."

( all sit down and fold hands respectfully )

"Now, it has been brought to my attention that my friend, Dana.H, is currently in the progress of creating a blog. now-"

* wild applause and congratulations break out in room. *

* aven smiles *

"yes, isnt that wonderful? another person to give awards too and share the joy of blogging with. now, as i was saying... unfortunatly a small issue is standing between our dear friend Dana and eternal blogging happiness."


" i know. sadly, our dear friend has yet to find a  name for her new blog."

* crowd murmers sympathy *

"however, there IS something we can do to help. i want every single person who reads this post, to immediatly click comment and say what they think would be a good name. to aid you in your suggestions, here is a list of qualities our friend has."

Dana's wonderful, ah-mazing qualitys that make her, her :)

-gorgeous blue eyes :)
-long blonde hair
-happy personality that hates to see people sad
-super pretty
-Vanilla xD

just so all you lovelys know, theres many more but i cant list em all :) so pleeze oh pleeeeeezzzeee comment? share some of yur loverly brain cell power with us? :) pleeze?

talk to ya later lovelys!

-aven the Artistic Valiant Exuberant Newt xD { hows that one Patti? }

pee.ess. Go visit Pattis blog! leave a comment or two! thrill her with visitors! :)  now go to and do it now! shes ah-mazing!

yet another quiz thingy :) bear with me...

Which would you prefer; carousel or Ferris wheel?
hmm... luv 'em both but Ferris wheel :) i like being up high.

A ten dollar bill or two fives?

two fives. makes me feel richer xD

What is one of your favorite pastimes? Why is it? Do you benefit from it?

favourite? hmm...well i love walking with my friends. its a more recent pastime but i just really like it :P call me wierd but it just makes me happy.

Coffee mug, thermostat or a tall glass?

coffee mug.

Stain glass windows or windows with lace?

lets see....stained glass is ah-mazing but in my house id want windows with lace. i love it on breezy days when the curtains flutter about :)

Cubed ice or crushed ice?

crushed. i like melting ice in my mouth and i cant when its bulging in my cheeks -,-

A shopping trip downtown or a picnic in the country?

picnic. i hate shopping with a passion. and the country is just :)

Would you rather sleep in a single bed or at the top of a bunkbed?

weeelll.....i like bunkbeds but im kinda tall so id hit my head repeatedly when waking up or crawling into bed. so ya...i think i gotta go with single :)

When you marry, will your bed be super soft and large or will it have a canopy over it?

super soft and large :) cuz then during thunderstorms all the little kidlets can cuddle up with us :)

What is the song you sing more frequently than others?

:P dont really sing that much...

What time is it right now?!

1:31 am :)

Monday, August 15, 2011


hullo cupcakes,

kay, so im reading last nights post and gagging at the disgustingness of it. i mean REALLY aven? romantic songs and princes? ewwie :P forgive me friends. in the late hour it seems my mind was taken over by sweet thoughts. EWW. lemme clarify right now that i would MUCH rather play a zombie-killing video game with guys then whisper to them in the moonlight -,- can you say stupid? so there we have it. and to clear the noxious air from that post, heres some REAL pictures:



{ havent seen this one yet but i REALLY want to. }

{ this is the movie i watch when im in the mood for a comedy :D }

dont those all look great? makes me want to go rent them all :)

kay, now its time for a game that i want to learn how to play but i need to find someone to teach me how -,-

sigh. doesnt that look fun? gotta love alien-blasting games....

well friends i gotta go now. hope you enjoyed this feast for the eyes :) i know i did MUCH more than i did my last post -,-

talk to ya later lovelys!



me at 2:30 am...

hullo lovelys,

can u believe im posting right now? ugh. im so sleepy....anywho i think this post will inspire me to go sleep so ima try x)

Listening to: Tyler Brown Williams crooning my soul to sleep...

Wishing i could: fly away to higher skies and watch the world go by :)

Excited for: a whole month of summer left to do happy things :)

holding hands

Im going to dream about: the things that make me smile :)

 { lets get real. who DOESNT want a pair of shoes that can take them home whenever they need it? }

kay lovelys. im so tired i might sleep till my prince comes to awaken me x) nighty night!

a sleeping beauty,


my current state of being :)

Date... Monday, August 15th, 2011
Starting time... 1:28 am
Mood... sleepy, happy, sad, hopefull.
Outside my window... rain, dark night.
I'm thinking... sadness cuz Tristha's leaving in 2 hours and 15 minutes :'(
I'm currently reading... The Centurion's Wife:Janette Oke & Davis Bunn
I'm listening to... You and I: Tyler Brown Williams
I'm wearing... my grandpa's t-shirt, and my fav. lightweight pj bottoms that happen to be pink with sheep on them :)
I'm looking forward to... lieing down under my covers and thinking happy thoughts before slipping into dreamland <3
I'm hoping... i get to hang out with Patti and Evan tomorrow.
Yesterday, I... went to church and lost myself in a Bible :) luv it when that happens.
I'm hungry for... nothin. full of nachos and green grapes.
The song stuck inside my head is... Come to the Cradle: Micheal Card
I love... lullabys <3
I loathe...light when im trying to sleep, loud silence.
This week, my goal is... to not stay up super late every night -,- i cant stand waking up late.
Did I meet last week's goal?... nope :( but maybe tomorrow! :)
Ending time... 1:52 am