Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Drop in the Ocean....

"Its just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, i was praying that you and me might end up together, its like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert but ill keep holding closer to you, cause you are my heaven" <3

is that not the most bittersweet song ever? im in love with it. its stuck in my head in a major way :P so yea. thats cool.

anywaaays im at school right now. not exactly my favourite pastime in the universe -.- perhaps it wouldnt be quite so bad if i actually had a FRIEND here. ykno, those people you sneak out of class to meet and skip with and giggle with in the hallways and pass notes too and all that lovely jazz? uh-huh. one of those. cuz as it is, being the loser without any friends AND no phone just really sucks sometimes. But wateves. ill survive ;)

*SIGH * okay, so i had like, a yoghurt for lunch today right? cuz i wasnt super hungry, and then just as i was about to leave the house i grabbed a little mini bag of those crunchy cheezies. so now, i kinda want to eat them but i CANT because im in the library where we arent allowed to eat and if i tryed to sneak em, the crunchs would echo everywhere and id get caught. my, my, what i wouldnt do for a cupcake right this second. a vanilla cupcake with french vanilla icing. and not that gross fakey, to-sweet stuff you buy in a store. stuff made at home. yum. but alas, i hav not the ingredients nor the strength to make cupcakes once i get home. so as we started this paragraph.... *SIGH *

goshbubbles. im so tired xI and this bench thingy im sitting on, though cushioned, doesnt have a long enough seat so its not so comfy. ohwell. at least its cushioned. better then every other class where we sit on hard desk chairs all day.

ohmyfuzzysocks i have SO much to do. well maybe i dont, i dont know. it just FEELS like i have a zillion things to do. i probably dont have that much.

oh money, thou doth taunt me. kay lovelys. heres the dish. i dont have a job, nor do i WANT  a job. i would LIKE money but i dont NEED money, therefore, i am not going to get a job and labour for something i dont NEED. i may occasionally do odd jobs but thats it. i am not a "welcome to mcdonalds how may i help you?" kinda chick. no no no. so, in the meantime, Christmastime is coming, the goose is getting fat, and i do not have a penny for the old mans hat. I have limited funds to get things for 11 people. and by limited i mean 15 dollars in total. yea. then theres home-made things but i seem to be at a lack of creative skills. so lucky me. i need to find a way to not seem like a stingy old penny-pincher on the day of Christ's birth. fun.

on a lighter note, lets all welcome our dear old friend, bringer of Christmas cheer, describer of winter, bringer of cold and ice and snow, lets give it up for....


So yes, our old confidant has arrived. Lets give him a warm welcome. *wild applause * ;) there ya go darlings. just like that.

Okaaay well I'm exhausted, both physically and mentaly, and i have Socials next so if you'll excuse me, i believe i shall scamper off into the real, less-pleasant land of high school so i may not be tardy ;) love y'all


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