Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nine things about Myself {cuz i know you're dieing to know more ;) }

1. I love wearing warm/cozy/soft things but i always end up taking them off because i get too hot
2.I have like, 6 different journals that I write in as much as possible. I'm kinda obsessed with writing and besides that, I thought it'd be neat to have journals to show my future kids :)
3. I love calendars, fuzzy socks, pens, summer, rain, walking, sleeping, and being with my friends.
4. I used to be a really quiet, shy, girly girl, but now I'm a not-so-quiet, WAY more outgoing, not a tomboy but defiantly NOT a girly girl. At all. I call it a personality change, my mom called it 'coming into myself' I dunno what you'd call it but I like it :)
5. I want a cat. REALLY badly. As in if I saw a box with 'free kittens' written on it, no matter what my parents would do, I would take one. So like, if I was going out with a guy and he gave me a kitten for my birthday or christmas or valentines day or Easter or something, you can be sure that he would feel no lack of gratitude. ;) {note to all guys. To win my heart, give me a kitty. Got it.}
6. I never watched the muppets when I was little, but I loved Elmo's World and Winnie the Pooh. {confession! Still do ;) I am this very moment hugging a pillow in the shape of Winnie's head and snuggling on a blanket of him and tigger. That's right, I'm a cool teenager.
7. I hate television with a passion but the only shows that I will watch are Reba, House, and Once upon a Time.
8. I would much rather walk and hang out around town with my friends than sit in a house and watch movies. Except for in the winter when I love playing video games with them.
9. I Have a secret. A big one that only me and God know and unless something happens that's all who's ever goona know. But it's a good secret and I think everyone should have the joy of being the keeper of their thoughts. Or that one special thought that only you know.

Kay darlings! I g2g now. Talk to y'all tomorrow!


Nourish Hope,
Let Joy flow,
Clutch love tightly and never let it go.

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