Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Christmas days


I have had a very good very busy past few days, so sorry for not blogging very often :/ okay. In a nutshell, here are a few of the super cool things that have happened recently:

-ptarmigan "hunting" with my friend Dana around town ;)

-fuzzy sock sisterhood meetings (also with dana)

-watching 'Letters to Juliet' with dana

-promises from my friend Evan to take me with him the next time he goes to the ocean. (seeing as i have never seen it in my entire life and i am 14)

-truth or dare sessions with some of my best friends

-chasing my friend around the house after he decided NOT poking me in the ribs would be too hard.

-eating a delicious turkey dinner with some of my best friends.

-coming home today to a Christmas tree up and decorations around the house.

-spending this evening with the most amazing 5 year-old in the universe who called me and Patti his 'best friends' and 'awesome', told us he loved us 'this much!' while stretching his arms as wide as he could, and told us that he was the cutest in his family and that his big brother (who is our friend) didnt like hugs, thought he was 'ripped' and listened to 'weally weally WEALLY gwoss music' {translation for the little-kid language impaired: really really REALLY gross}

So yes. These past days have been amazing. And tomorrow we (me and patti) are going to see our friends and their kittens <3 so many more ahead! :) love y'all. More later!


Hug mark,
Be cozy,
Spread a lil love ;)

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