Sunday, December 11, 2011


kay darlings,
just wanted to say sorry if ive been rlly confusing as of late. i mean, one second my posts are all happy and sunshine and flowers and lollipops and the next they're sad and tears and mopey and depressing. i dont want anyone thinking im just being a super dramatic well...drama queen :P so sorry if thats the impression you've been getting. honestly, im just at a difficult place right now. and i cant really do anything about it except for wait but as we all know that can be REALLY hard sometimes. so yea. i apologize immensly if ive been coming off as dramatic and fake. thats the LAST thing im trying to be. everything i post i try to be really really....real and i try to make what i write and post reflect my current emotions. which recently have been like a blender of feelings as you might have gathered. anyways yea, just wanted to clear that up. and if yur still reading my blog....i congratulate you. bye lovelys. talk soon.


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