Sunday, December 18, 2011

The pancake chronicles.....

Heeeey :)

Hows everyone doin? Well i just realized that i havent done an actual POST in awhile so i decided to do one! Yaaaay!

Haha. Okay. So first off, let me stress the fact that if you have never made pancakes with a little kid, you should. Its pretty fun ;) yesterday, after sleeping in until about 2 oclock, i awoke famished and was designated the babysitter of my youngest brother who is 4 as of a couple months. So once everyone was gone and my hunger was ravenous, i decided to make some pancakes.

My brother being the always-busy kid that he is, decided that he would help. Sooo we pulled a chair into the kitchen and chatted as i got the ingredients out and he hummed to the muppets christmas cd that was on. All was going smooth, me measuring out ingredients and him dumping them into the bowl. And oh, did i mention we were both donning our Santa hats? Yea. It was pretty great x)

So things are rolling along, when he decided that he, yes HE, wanted to crack the eggs and put them in the bowl. I was extremely hesitant but figured that messes can always be cleaned right? So yea. I let him. First egg, smoothly cracked and plopped into the mixture with no major mess and no shell mixed in. Okay. This could work right? Next egg. Cracked at the tip and while he tryed to open it above the bowl, it smashed into a zillion little egg pieces. Luckily for us and the future of those pancakes, i had super-human reflexes and managed to catch the egg shell while allowing only the egg to go through.

I look at my brother who's staring wide-eyed into the bowl and at me where i stand lurched halfway over the counter with egg dripping off both our hands and me probably looking like i was in shock. then, just as i was worried he would be upset, he turns to me and a huge grin sprouts on his little-boy face. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" i laughed and dragged him over to the sink where we scrubbed any potential salmonella off of our hands and continued to make our breakfast/lunch. So yea. It was a pretty fun day ;) and the pancakes were rather delicious thank you very much. In fact, i think ill go habe another one now...


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