Friday, December 16, 2011

7 Things that cross my mind alot

1. Song lyrics. Im kind of obsessed with music. there is ALWAYS a song going through my head. Its like my brain has this little soundtrack throughout the day :)

2. I wish it was summer. As much as i like Christmas and snow sometimes, in the long run winter bugs me. Yes, its beautiful. Yes, Christmas wouldnt be the same without it. But i cannot abide being stuck in a house for hours and hours with nowhere to go and no hope of going outside because its freezing. When i have friends over, its different. When i dont? boredom to the max.

3. Im bored. Yes. that could mean im lazy. or it could mean i dont have an iphone yet and, therefore, cannot text my friends to do things, ergo, i have nothing to do and am bored :P moral? life stinks when you dont have a phone -.-

4. Kittens. Kittens cross my mind alot. Especially as of late. Ever had a dream that deep down you KNOW isnt going to come true but you still keep the ember of hope burning? yea. Well i might kinda have a dream about getting a kitty for Christmas :P or whenever. But yea...i know im not goona :( which kinda isnt so great but... i will dream :) just know that if you ever got me a kitten, there would be a very special place in my heart for you :)

5. I should really go to bed now... ;) lol. this is so very true. im all 'ugh! im so tired! gotta get 2 bed on time today!' and then its lik, 12 and im all 'just 5 more minutes...' what can i say? im a born procrastinator ;D

6. I wish *insert persons name * was here right now... yea :P i like my friends. If  i could, i would be with them all the time :) they make me happyyy.

7. Daydreams. Daydreams are always in my head. Sometimes they float around in the back of my mind, not the dominating thought but they're in there ;) other times, i find myself jerking back into reality with someone calling my name for the umpteenth time ;D sorry if its ever been you trying to get me to snap back into reality :) what do i daydream about? thats for me to know and you to wonder about :)

{not my photo but this girl is SO beautiful. just saying :) }

day 7? check.
