Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thankfulness :D

Hullo lovelys,

How is everyone? good? good :) i thought that since its almost Christmas, i would do a little "Thankful" post. I dont think that needs an explination ;) soo without further ado...

I'm Thankful For...



-My Betta Fish, Max :)

{sorry for the crummy quality :P }

-My Bunny, Peter <3

{again, not great pic :P try 2 get better ones soon...}

-This lip balm...

{serriously, its amazing. try it.}

-Laptops. {oh what would we do without them?}

{this is actually my baby :) excuse the mess in the background. this is b4 i cleaned my desk...}

-Sleep. Who doesnt love it?

-Blogging :) idk what i would do if i couldnt put my random rantings to rest on these hallowed internet pages. i <3 blogging.


{idk y but i love this...}

Alright honey-bees :) thats all for today :) more soon!


give Love
take memories
hug a Kitten <3

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