Thursday, December 22, 2011

This Thursday at mine...

Im sitting at the kitchen table, with the smell of eggs and toast wafting in from the kitchen. one of my brothers is sitting at the table eating, and the other is in the living room decorating the tree with my dad. Mom is in the kitchen creating the tantilizing scents that are taunting me, and i am here, wrapped in my dads big, oversized (for me), green jacket because im freezing :/ im waiting for my friend to call me because we were supposed to go out but shes babysitting now so she cant right away. I am longing to hold one of my friends kittens right now and am barely surpressing the urge to run over and play with them right this second. The only thing stopping me is the bitter cold outside the door and the fact i told my friend id wait for her. My newly trimmed hair is curtaining down over my face and Christmas music is playing in the background. Now i feel like going for a walk around town in the snowy winter wonderland. I have 3 letters ready to send to my friend, and about 4 more to write to various cousins and friends. With the happy thought of cupcakes floating around in your brain, i leave you to ponder this post and perhaps create one like it of your own? Bye lovelys. Until i post again...


Wear big coats,
smell your hair,
Be wary around rib-pokers ;)

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