Thursday, December 15, 2011

8 Ways to win my heart

1. Love God first. This is serriously the most important thing on this list. If you want my heart, Jesus better be living in yours. Cause without him in yours you wont get even CLOSE to getting the key to mine.
2. Be clean. I dont mean like, take a shower every single day and make sure to shampoo and condition! i mean be clean in the way you live. This should be pretty simple if God is in control of your life but heres what a mean. Dont drink. gross. Same for smoking. Guys that think they're 'all that' who zoom past me in their fancy sports cars flashing a grin and waving with a can of beer and a cigarette in their hand are only going to succeed in making me disgusted. I dont go for all that macho-male attitude. Nu-uh. Also, i consider language part of you, so that should be clean too. No swearing and no taking the Lord's name in vain. ever. I dont like being around people who swear every second word because they think it makes them sound cool. it doesnt. bottom line. dont do it.
3. Chivalry. This. is. very. important. Sure you can walk over and be a super-cute guy thats nice and everything, but if you dont respect girls in general, its a no-go. You can tell how a guy respects woman by the way he treats ALL girls. His mother, sisters if he has any, and any female he comes into contact with. I can assure you that even if you're opening the door for me and being all sweet, if another girl walks over and you do or say or imply something disrespectful, i will see your true colors and it will only make me walk away, keys to my heart dangling in my fingers.
4. Well i think we already covered this but a kitten would be very nice indeed ;)
5. Treat your family well. If you're the kind of guy that respects his mom, listens to his dad and plays with his siblings, then consider that another check on the list of winning me over.
6. Be fun/funny. As much as i like being able to talk serriously to guys, i adore having fun with them. I dont want candle-lit dinners by moonlight or romantic strolls on the beach, i want someone to race me to the bench on the other side of the park and climb trees with. Just someone to laugh with. And someone to make me laugh.
7. Be yourself. I dont want to know what you can be like to impress me, i want to know YOU. who YOU are. what YOU like. what YOUR favourite food is. you, you, you. dont try to be something you're not because it'll only suceed in making us both miserable when we find out we dont belong together. PleaseohpleaseohPLEASE just be yourself :)
8. Make sure you're in it for forever. I dont want the key to my heart to just be another for your collection. If you like me enough to pursue me, then do it with forever in mind. Because im not here so you can win a contest. I dont want to be another stop on your journey for 'the one'. I want to BE the one. I want you to fall head over heels for me. I want to be your final destination. Not a pit stop along the way.

So folks, there you have it! day 3 of this blogging challenge. Hope you're having fun reading and please feel free to do this on your own blog if you want. Talk to you soon!


hold peace in your heart,
spread joy where you go,
dance with the Father,
his love you will know.

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