Tuesday, November 29, 2011

(1) What is the nerdiest/geekiest/weirdest thing about you?
um...idk :P theres too many to pick from XD

(2) If you could live in a fictional world from any book, movie, or T.V. show, what would it be?
oh gosh...this is hard :P umm....oh! Narnia! :DDDDD actually, Narnia and the World that Dragons in Our Midst was set in. Like, its our World but id wanna go to Dragons rest and the Circles of Seven and blah :)

(3) Little or big, practical or frivolous, what is one of your favorite items in your house?
my journal and my fuzzy socks :)

(4) Do you like animated movies? If so, what is your favorite?
ohmyfuzzysocks this is a hard question...um i love Rio and Tangled and basically all Disney movies but my all time FAVOURITES are Hercules, The Lion King 1 and 2, 101 Dalmations and Tangled and Rio XD

(5) What is your favorite household chore?
meh. im so NOT a household-work kinda chick. dont like any of them :P

(6) What is your favorite thing to get at Starbucks?
:( we dont have a starbucks. but i love cappuchinos from most anywhere :)

(7) What is your favorite pizza topping?
cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, green peppers, onions, olives and mushrooms. :) yea.

(8) Waffles or pancakes?
depends on my mood. right now? waffles :)

(9) Do you like to play games? If so, what is your favorite?
video games? yes. i love Halo.

(10) Have you ever let anyone win a game?

(11) Have you ever dyed you hair?
no. ive always wanted to be all 'yea, ive never dyed my hair' but recently ive kinda been wanting too :P so i may soon....

(12) Do you make your bed every morning?
um, i throw the covers back in the general way they;re supposed to be but i dont like, meticulously fold every piece of blanket and smooth out all the wrinkles.

(13) Picasso or Norman Rockwell?
....i have no idea what this means sooo.... ??????

(14) Do you like tile, carpet, or hardwood floors?
tile for bathrooms, carpet for living rooms, and hardwood for bedrooms.

(15) If you could put one thing in a safe under your bed, what would it be?
my journals. i would flip if anyone saw them.

(16) What is your favorite condiment?
depends on what its for, but mostly mustard <3

(17) Have you ever thrown up on someone?

(18) What was the last thing that made you laugh?
The vids im watching on youtube right now. XD   Red vs Blue. HILARIOUSLY AMAZING.

(19) Think fast....what song pops into your head?
Party Rock Anthem. By LMFAO. uh-huh. that song is boss ;)

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