Monday, November 21, 2011



i greet you with a sniff, as that is how i would be greeting you in the real world, if you were standing in front of me right now. rude, i know, but what else is one to do once they have contracted the terrible illness that is the cold?

-.- yup. im ill. ill-egal! hahahaha... ha...ha... not funny -.- nothings funny right now. not my scratchy throat or my sniffly nose or my sickly-sounding voice. nada.

If i had my way, i would be at home right now. On my cozy little bed wrapped in my daddy's ginormous cream-colored cable-knit sweater, curled up under my window with a huge cup of tea and a plate of cupcakes. Le happy.

But in the meantime, i am here. at school. sitting in socials class. being sniffly & tired whilst Ariel reads over my shoulder. Hello Ariel :) {and for those of you out there who think im talking about a certain red-haired mermaid, no, that is not the same person im talking about. even though that one's my friend too cuz, wat can i say? im cool lik that ;) }

yes. im tired. yes. my nose is stuffed. yes.  i would give anything to be anywhere but here. no. thats not possible. no. i dont like school right now. and no. i dont think ill get over my longing for a cup of tea anytime soon.

but yes. i will survive another 50 minutes of school. and yes. i will make it home to shower. and yes. after that i will be putting on the huge sweater of my dads. cuz its comfortable. and warm. and i like those things.

today has been quite miserable thus far. luckily, there are a few things to save it and make me go to sleep happy:

-the promise of a shower later. showering is so wonderful when you feel pathetic. getting all squeaky clean and fresh and....le sigh x)

-going to Patti's house for Bible Study at 7. yes. this will make everything insta-wonderful. because hanging with her always does.

-tea. tea makes the world go round. tea is a comforter and friend. tea. even the word is soothing. teeeaaaaa-oh. hullo. forgot y'all were there XD

-blogging. like a balm for the soul XD serriously tho, luv y'all.

-cupcakes. so. amazing. nuff said.

Alrighty-o. im tired & my brain has officially went to sleep sooo talk to y'all later!

-an avid cupcake lover,


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