Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cupcakes and Coffee and Chocolate oh my!

I Like this color....its quite marvelous :) and it reminds me of summer evenings. You know when the sun is low, not gone, just low in the sky as though suspended by thousands of invisible strings? and its light has changed from a bright, almost white light, to a beautiful golden glow? and its so warm and lovely on your skin, and if you lay down, and your looking towards the sun, the grass is this color? the pastel-y dream color that looks good enough to eat? yea :) that one.

*Ahem * sorry for that little creative blurb :P sometimes my brain goes off into this dream-land state and all i can do is go along until something makes me crash back down to earth. Haha. Like in the Little Mermaid?

{The following to be said in a strictly Sebastian tone of voice}

"Arielle! please get your head out ob de clouds and back down heeya where it belongs!"

:) ohmy. i love that movie. like, soso much. it makes me happy. really...really happy :) The other day, i was like, 'hmm...which movie to watch...' and then i thought of that one and i decided to watch all three, but in order of TIME. like, they have:
-The Little Mermaid
-The Little Mermaid 2: Return From the Sea
-The Little Mermaid 3:Ariels Beginning.

But like, the 3rd one is about ariel beFORE the little mermaid, and the second is about her daughter, Melody. Sooo i was smart, and i watched the 3rd, then the 1st, and then the second. So its like, Past, Present, Future. Yea. Im smart :))) And those are brill movies. In fact, i encourage you to go watch them, right now. You can watch it all on youtube thanks to the brilliance of illegaly downloading films...jkjk. bad illegal downloaders. for shame *wink wink nudge nudge* no, but really! bad...

Okay now look, i know your thinking that i wrote the title of this post and like, totally mislead you, and just made it as amazing as it is to make you look here but thats not true. Heres why i wrote it:

-Im drinking coffee. {Delicious, Sumatran Reserve, Dark Roast, coffee with a hint of milk as a creamer}

-I want a Cupcake {Preferably a huuuge, Fluffy, Vanilla one with a light spreading of chocolate icing and skittles on top}

oh yes. that'll do :D

-I have chocolate that i may, or may not eat depending on how good i think it would tase right now...

Why yes Mr. Hersheys bar, you do look quite attractive and delicious there, it sort of makes me want to-

Do that... :)

See that? the title did not lie. Though it is making me want that, badly enough, that if i wasnt at school, i'd be trying to jump into the screen like in Blues Clues. Y'ever seen that? 'Blue Skidoo, you can too!' haha. good times...i remember when i was little, i would try to do that, and when i realized i couldnt jump into the tv, i''d just go sit reeaaalllyy close to the screen, figuring that if i was close enough so that i ONLY saw the screen, some sort of magic would take me there with blue :D ahh the joys of childhood innocence...

Anywaaaayyys x) im duper sleepy right now. And i want a doughnut. My stupid Socials textbook has a picture of a doughnut on one page, and now i want one really, really bad. *Sigh * Maybe ill call someone after school to see if they'll join me at Tims. yeaaaa :) thats wat ill do. Cuz i needa go to Wal-Mart anyways. Im into the 'Teen Vogue' Magazines atm. Not like, majorly obsessed, but i like them. And i have July's issue and August's but Novembers is there for like, $3.99 and i want it :) Unless i can find Seventeen. Which is better. Teen vogue is full of wierdish clothes and uber skinny girls that disappear when they turn sideways. No joke. Not that its bad to be naturally slender but when girls see pictures in magazines of duper thin people all the time it makes them think theres something wring with their perfectly normal size which can lead to eating disorders blah blah blah blah blah. Anywho, if Seventeen is there, Seventeen it is :D

Well, that little magazine/girly talk was strangly out of character for me :P odd. Ooooh. im excited to see this post published. Cuz y'kno, theres like, all these colors and they're all pastels and it should look pretty :) pretty things are pretty. Haha. i can just hear you all now 'Umm... le duhr? thats why they're called pretty.' And then im like 'ya i know THAT. im just TRYING to make this post interesting and if y'all dont like it, you can leave' Wait...scratch that. Dont leave. Cuz if my readers left, then id just be like, this lonely,  pathetic little blogger, and all the words from my soul that i type onto these hallowed internet pages would be oh so lonely and sad because nobodys eyes but mine would ever see them : ' ( it makes me sad to think of...

Weeeelll i gotta go now xD but y'all come back ya hear? good. seeeyyaaaaa!!


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