Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This day called Tuesday

Starting time... 12:02 pm
Mood... peaceful, happy, sleepy, wanting 2 see patti
Outside my window... urm, well im kinda at school in the gym but outside the gym outside the school there is roads and snow and cold.
I'm thinking...  i wish i could go curl up somewhere uber cozy, read my book and take a nap.
I'm currently reading... The Shack by William P. Young. SO GOOD. {and if i see patti tonight im going to ask to borrow Adam or Immanuels Veins by Ted Decker. Im really into suspensful books right now :)))
I'm listening to...  the sound of my gym class playing badminton. {no youtube :( }
I'm wearing... Black sweats, a black/grey Adidas t-shirt, and a red sweater.
I'm looking forward to...  maybe seeing patti tonight :D its been like, WEEKS. Okay after a quick calculation its been 3 1/2 days but do you KNOW how long that is to not see your best friend????
I'm hoping... something happens to A. change the person im playing oppisite in the Christmas peagent and B. something very happy happens but i cant tell you what :))) 
Yesterday, I... watched my first episode of House EVER and i love it to death. my new favourite show :) {and i watched 'Elizabeth' the movie too}
I'm hungry for... mcdonalds fries and a french vanilla cappuchino.
The song stuck inside my head is... Freedom Reigns by Micheal Larson. GO YOUTUBE IT.
I love... sleeping, this book, most every book in the universe, blogging, Jesus <3, my friends, sleep, ice tea, ice caps, lemonade, kool-aid, rain, pizza, subway, mcdonalds, good movies,  mukluks, dreams, daydreaming, walking, my hair, soft sweaters, sun, the beach, snowboarding, summer :(, my amazing cousins ;) , did i mention sleep? um...yea. pree much everything right now :D im in a good mood atm if ya couldnt tell...
I loathe... not getting enough sleep, not seeing my friends for a really long time, yea :(
This week, my goal is... to read my bible almost if not every day, to pray EVERY day, and to basically not fall back into a place where i feel eons away from God because it sucks. majorly.
Did I meet last week's goal?... no. but ima try to get those books tonight :D
Ending time... 12:18

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