Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A post from school :)

Its that time again! yup. you guessed it.

And now its time for happy blogging with aven. the part of the blog where aven comes out and writes, another post.

Haha. Like my take on the silly songs intro from veggietales? ya. thot so :)

Anywaaaaays im actually, believe it or not, writing this in school. When you read this i'll have copy and pasted from microsoft word but while i write it, im at school. gym class to be exact.

Im going to try harder to write more often cuz one and MAYBE two posts a week is not nearly adequate enough for my dear readers ;) {that'd be you guys}

Anyways, im kinda in love with pictures right now. Its really pretty outside these days and everywhere i go i think 'ohmyfuzzysocks LOOK at the light on that tree!' or bush or wateves :P anyways ive been bitten by the bug and am now infected with photography :D shame...

So yeaaaaa... if yur wondering why im NOT just whipping out my camera and snapping away, the answer is:

A. Its freezing
B. my camera is not ultra-adaptable to cold weather and i dont wanna kill it


C. its freezing

I know, i know, im a wimp. But i promise ill try to get some more pics soon. And then i can upload them on here and we'll see what y'all think kay? kay :)

Well i have Socials next. funfunfun. We're goona be doing some sort of graph thingy concerning economics >.< why?

Actually, its not that hard but Socials can get really BORING sometimes. Its notes and notes and essays and notes and tests and quizzes and notes and more. So while its really easy, it can get super boring.

Its like, hey everyone! lets learn about stuff that happened forever ago and economcs and the government and our rights and blah! and then lets learn how people immigrate to canada and about Acts that were written up eons ago that 'shaped today'! how fun!

Umm...no. Ill pass :P i mean, yea, that sorta thing is great if your planning on being a politician or a rights activist or whatever. But for people like me who want to draw and travel and write and go on missions trips and be creative and NOT sit in an office all day? MAJOR WASTE OF TIME.

Same goes with math. Like, yes, i can get how we would need to know how to add and subtract and multiply and divide and do BASIC math skills, but anything other than that should ONLY be required for people who want to be scientists or mathematicians or pilots or something where you need to know the unknown factor of x when y + z equals goodness knows what. get my point?

SIGH. im cold. im sorta content & sorta not.

Good things about my life at the moment:

-the coffee thermos next to me filled with 'exotic, rich coffee from the Sumatran Reserve in the lush, beautiful hills of Indonesia'

-the book im writing and illustrating that im working on right now

-my wrists. this is so incredibly bizzare but i am SO vain about my wrists right now. yes. im wierd.

-my hair, that, although not 'silky smooth and perfect without a strand out of place' is slipping into my face with grace and the scent of the bio-friendly shampoo i used last night. yum x)

-my friends and family. luv em all.

-my stupendous, amazing gorgeous friend, Patti, who never fails to brighten my day and will spontaniously burst into disney songs with me in the middle of the kitchen while people are dishing up supper around us. yes. we're that cool.

-my bee-autiful, lovely, happy, friend Dana that will put up with my sobbing at Titanic and then mutter 'happy thanksgiving' on her way out the door causing us BOTH to collapse in hysterics at the innapropriateness of such a comment at that moment in time.

-my rabbit, Peter, who jumps up beside me when im lying on the couch and plops down, fully knowing that i will immediatly drop whatever im doing to pet his velvety fur and snuggle with him.

-my betta fish, Maximus, {Max as i call him} who swims over to the front of his bowl when i come near and happily swims around for me.

Okay, well i was goona write about the not so great stuff here, but now that i think about it, God has obviously given me so many GOOD things. Soo yea. The whole complaining thing aint happenin today :)))

Alrighty chica's. Ima put my laptop down now and go work on my book. Speaking of which, do you think i should put a bit about it on here? hmm... ill put up a poll and if you guys want a little excerpt here and there i just might give you one :D in the meantime,

Give Love,
Drink Tea,
Eat Cupcakes.

-aven <333

pee ess i think ill make some sort of Christmas-y cupcake recipe and put it in here. who doesnt love festive cupcakes?

pee pee ess i hereby leave y'all with this virtual cupcake tour. enjoy!

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