Friday, June 1, 2012

morning bubbletarts,

good gosh. how in the heck did i come up with something like that? i dont even know what goes on in my brain half the time but last summer lots of interesting things made an appearance :P

speaking of summer, it has arrived! the snow is gone (at long last), the leaves are blossoming, and all the songbirds are in town for a few weeks. its funny but up until this year i never really noticed them. but now i realize they're like, EVERYWHERE. Sparrows, Yellow-Belly Warblers, Finch's and more! they sound SO pretty. One of my favourite things to do right now is sit on my back deck in the evening and just listen to them all.

Besides birds, the fair has also come to town! my only remourse is that Patti, (you remember her right? my bestest friend?) well she moved in March :C all the way accross the WORLD. To Indonesia!!! Her mom is from there and they went because her dad's work transfered them. Also, their Canada work visa's expired. Neither of her parents are from here. Her dad is from New Zealand, and her mom is from Indonesia. And she was born in Indo as well and then they moved to NZ where all her sisters were born. (she has 3)

At their new house, (which is HUGE) they have...a pool! their very own pool in the backyard! soon they're getting dogs. A german sheperd for Patti, a rottweiler for Alex, a maltese for Jojo and... a cat for insos x3

have i mentioned i love Insos? yea. i do. out of all Patti's sisters (who i love as well) Insos managed to kinda wrap herself around my heart. love love 'sos <3

anyways, other than being my all-around bestie, Patti was the one friend i had here who wasnt afraid of rides. Like, out of all my friends, shes the one who would be totally cool with joining me to ride the sky master and the zipper. now she's far far away and no-one else will go with me >:I

by the wayside, Patti has a blog too! its amazing and totally full of awesome Patti musings and thoughts. i think y'all should go check it out. its and you will not be sorry you went! the only thing is recently, (what with moving across the world and all) she hasnt been on as much :O so maybe drop her a line telling her to please get her 'blog' on? ;D and i'll send an email to her now also.

have i mentioned my current food for the thought? its called 'The Edge Of Recall' by Kristen Heitzmann. Its really good. Actually im re-reading it. Lately i've been in the mood for Ted Dekker but i only have his novel Adam. which i finished a couple days ago. (and actually im just the keeper of it until i visit patti whereence it shall be returned unto her) anywho, after i finished it i needed another mystery/chiller type novel to gnosh on so i chose this one :)

gah. its so good.

so yea. thats pretty much whats going on right now with me. oh! i forgot to tell you though. i have a tumblr, and im pretty much in love with it. but, i recently decided to stop going on it until schools out for the year. i want to focus mainly on this blog and its really hard when im getting sucked into the wonderous world of instant blogging and such. so, now i'll be focusing ALL my blogging energy on here! huzzah for blogger ;)

ok well i better go for now. have some visuals and stuff i wanna fiddle with on here. so ill be back later but soon :3

bye for now!


ps enjoy the happy spring colors of my text ;)

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