Sunday, June 24, 2012

at the park a few days ago....

ok so sometimes little brothers can be......noisy. and fussy. and very boy-ish. but they have their moments. like when Isaac asked for an 'Undertuck' on the swing. and wanted me to play 'hide and sneak' with him. and when me and my mommy were sitting on the bench, and looked over to see him pushing Diasha on a swing. (Diasha is his imaginary friend that is a girl. she has long black hair (long like in tangled) and blue eyes. also, she is 5.) then there's when we were playing hide and sneak, and he finds me immediatly. i accused him playfully of peeking and the look of horror on his face was PRICELESS. i love how to a 4 year old little boy, being accused of peeking is like being accused of murder. socute. 

so heres to family and little brothers, and the way they make us smile. 


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