Monday, June 11, 2012

Letters to various people and things.

Dear Boy,

I liked you, you liked me, I didn't do anything about it, you met her, I still like you, you're with her, I'm sad.

-the girl from last summer.

Dear Heart,

You've been hurting a lot lately, huh? Sorry about that. I'm trying to fix you. It's just not that easy most of the time. But I promise you'll feel better someday.

-your human

Dear tummy,

You've been hurting ME a lot lately. Heart and I know it hurts to see the boy, but your clenching and twisting makes me even more nervous. Let's maybe try some deep breathing together? Sounds good.

-the one who feels you

Dear best friend,

I miss you. Eyes and I have been sad together a lot since you left. Can't wait to see you again. Also, college is going to be a BLAST.

-Sven (your other half).

Dear me,

Stop worrying so much and pray some more. Also, find the bible verse that states that more eloquently than you. And good job abandoning Tumblr until school is out. That was a smart choice. Glad you're sticking with it. Oh, you should probably talk to dad about doing that filing too. And find the bible reading project. Because for crying out loud, you're not going to get to Jakarta or New Zealand for free. Nor are you going to get the new awesome Kardashian nail polish from Walmart . Man up woman and start working. And don't forget to go running this week. And get to Marks and get a sundress for the sunday school picnic. And OWN it. Forget what anyone thinks about you and just relax a little. Live a little. For crying out loud you're going to drive yourself crazy with all your worrying and over-analyzing. Chill.

-your smarter more sensible side

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