Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Boy, (a poem by me)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dear Boy,

I don't know what happened, no, don't really understand
What it was that we had, you never took me by the hand,
Never called me your own, never seemed overly keen,
But the way that we would act, boy, your actions seemed to scream

I don't know what happened, not sure that I ever will,
All I did was be your friend, but I guess you'd had your fill,
'cuz the next thing I know, boy, you're standing over there,
Making out with the girl with the bleach-blonde hair

I know that she don't like me, but I'm not really sure why,
We used to talk all the time, now I'm lucky to get 'hi'
Must've said something convincing, must to you mean so much more,
Than our sorry little friendship you're now throwing out the door

Now I wonder will you miss me? When it ends? We know it will.
Will you act like nothing happened, brush it off with expert skill?
And what's more what will I do? Let it slide? Just let it go?
Would forgiving and forgetting let my self-worth slip too low?

All these questions and no answers, cause you ain't around these days,
But all I really want to know is that we're goona be okay,
Cuz as much as you have hurt me, I know deep inside my heart,
I'd do anything to have you back, I hate being apart.


The girl from last summer

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