Monday, June 25, 2012


hey bubbletarts :3

today is turning out wonderful, even though i had a math exam this morning. it was my last exam and after a final assembly on thursday, im free as a bird ;3

once i finished i went to work with my dad for a few hours and then came back to my grandparents where me and isaac, (the littlest billy goat), watched Tangled, Megamind, and then How to Train your Dragon.

now, im texting my bestest friend, Patti, ( and she's also showing me her new puppys :3 a miniature poodle named Esa, and a Shitzu named Tartan. they are SO cute. only sad thing is, her bunny died today :C poor Thumper. (also otar, peter eats grass alot so maybe they're just eating something poisonous to them?) anyways, her sister, alex's bunny is the only one left. little Castor.

anyways, now i have no plans except continued texting, blogging, and then later at home, tea and a movie :3 its so lovely when school is out, dont you think?

anyways dearies, i am being summoned by my familia because apparently we're leaving :C sorry, but i promise to write again soon. especially since schools out! :D

kay cupcakes i really must take leave,

give love,
drink tea,
pet a puppy <3

love love love

-le one and only me

p.s. patti is awesome ;)

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