Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hey Critters :3

excuse my calling you critters. i have decided its my word of the day ;)

anyways, i am currently in computers class, silently jamming out at my computer to TobyMac. wishing there was someone here that could sing along with me. I love Toby ;) and i find his music is particularily good to run to.

you guuyyyssss. its almost summer!!!!!!!!!! happy happy joy joy! *insert happy dance here*

^ this accurately represents my feelings when i think about weeks of sleeping in and doing whatever i want and NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, before i forget, i hereby formally invite you to partake in the polls i have on the side of my blog. Really, just go click your answer. I like knowing what people like. Plus, its anonymous so all those ashamed or abash about loving extra sleep or vacation, FEAR NOT.

Ok so despite my fairly upbeat and joyous attitude today, i am actually in pain. Legitimate, fist-clenching, drop -to-the-floor-screaming-in-agony pain. Yesterday, i ran longer than usual, and today, my legs are sooooo sore. Like, it hurts to walk and its agonizing to go up or down stairs. lucky me, my school IS stairs. well theres like a zillion of them...and did i mention  i have blisters on my heels that formed and then broke open due to my new running shoes? that too.

Im not complaining though! i feel so much better when im in the habit of running/walking/jogging than when im not. i sleep better and i eat better cuz fast food makes me feel sick to THINK about :/ blech.

Rawr. I want to go on weheartit right now but my school blocked it :C gotta wait till i go home for lunch i guess.

Ohkay. so i have a story to tell. here goes.

Yesterday, i went for my evening run, and i was not feeling wonderful emotionaly. See, im the kind of person that'll be feeling sad or angry or hurt about something or lots of things, but i wont tell anyone. I just kinda keep it all inside and let it roll around in my brain and i think about it over and over and over. And i KNOW i should tell someone but i just...dont. And then something will happen that just makes me totally lose it and break down and pray and i feel so much better after. ever been there?

so anyways, yesterday i went running. and you should know that i just recently started running. i needed something to do and i needed to start feeling healthy again after long winter months of sitting around. So, as stated earlier, i ran longer than normal. And since i like sprinting, ill walk to warm up, run a ways, walk some more and then run again. the whole time. so on my 3rd lap around the block, which is the longest ive gone so far, i was feeling really crappy. i was angry and hurt and sad and all these thoughts were just, dancing around in a jumbled mess in my head. And it was driving me CRAZY. so i got to this point and i just broke into a run and i ran all the way home. for like, the quarter of the block left. and then i was home. and while i was running all the thoughts just left. and its like, i could feel everything. every emotion. but i wasnt thinking about anything. my mind was just blank. so when i stopped, everything flooded my head again and i lost it. i went and sat down on my porch and i was sitting there listening to my music and trying to catch my breath and then a song came on. Hold On, by TobyMac. you know it?

""Hold On"

Wake up to the morning light
wipe away the lonely nights
let a brand new day wash over you,
Wanna see you smile again
show some love to your crazy friends
wipe your tears away
those days are through

If you move just a little bit closer you can put your head on my shoulder
Yeah, yeah

So baby hold on
just another day or two
I can see the clouds are
moving faster now
and the sun is breaking through
If you can hold on, to the one that's holding you
there is nothing that can
stop this crazy love
from breaking through

We're breaking through
We're breaking through

Wake up to the rising sun
thank the Lord for the
things He's done
lift your eyes up to the
hope that's ever true
Wanna see you smiling girl
you're a light in this jaded world
wipe away those tears
this one's for you

Come on, move a little bit closer, you can put your head on my shoulder
Yeah, yeah


And the stars are up there
shining for you
oh, the Father does adore you
His love will never change
And you and I
we were born to follow
the hope that will lead us to tomorrow
and no one can take it away

So baby hold on
just another day or two
I can see the clouds are
moving faster now
and the sun is breaking through
If you could hold on
to the one that's holding you
there is nothing that can stop this crazy, crazy love from breaking

You see the clouds are
moving faster now
the clouds are moving faster

You see the clouds are
moving faster now
And the sun is breaking through

We're breaking through."
Anyways, that song came on, and i just lost it. i was sitting on my porch in plain view of anyone driving or walking by, and i just started crying and i couldnt even say anything because the song was saying it all. you know? and i must have looked like a mess because i was drenched in sweat and my mascara was running down my face and i was just curled up on my porch crying. i went in eventually and showered and even though i still felt sad, i felt hope too. its like an anvil of hurt was pulling me down but it was being held above the surface by a rope of hope. and i knew the rope was unbreakable.
anyways sorry to get all inspirational and sappy :p i'd just kinda consider that a defining moment. and i just wanted to remind you all that Jesus is our rope. and that he loves us so much no matter what.
Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

love you guys, hope you have a great day. remember he loves you <3


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