Thursday, June 28, 2012

i love my best friend

ok so this is kinda random but ive told you that im a random kinda girl. im about to indulge on a 'best friend' post so if you cant handle unconditional love and joy and joyous and smiles and rainbows and such, you may want to skip this one.

my best friend is Patricia Idameser Coutts. (Patti to me) she is so amazing you would not believe. her favourite color is yellow, and she is the most creative, artistic genius in the world. (besides me of course ;D )
she's hilarious and SUCH a laugh, but when i need her to be, she's this inspiring, sweet, lifter of spirits.

shes witty and charming and my sister in Jesus, which makes our incredibly close friendship sealed with super glue and cement. and did i mention she's drop-dead gorgeous? like, yea. velvety chocolate eyes and super curly bouncy happy hair. and her complexion is like coffee with extra cream.

i love her so much and i honestly have no idea what i would do without here. in fact, ill give you an idea of how much i love her. she lives in Indonesia, and i stay up late, and get up early to talk to her when its HER daytime, because my daytime is her night.


love love love you Patti <3333333


p.s. this amazing bff of mine blogs over at check it out! its rather stupendous ;)

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