Wednesday, December 28, 2011

heeyyy :)

hulloooo everyone :)

i would seem i havent posted in awhile :( sorry about that. it would seem that being lazy over the holidays has taken over and since i dont have internet at my house i cant blog as much as i want :( so sorry.

anyways, yea. sorry if this post really probably will and i just know im going to look back on it and wonder what the heck i was thinking :P so yea... sorry.

i also just ate turkey and so i am feeling sleepy and im pretty sure my brain is sleepy too. which will just further explain the lameness of this post...

yknow what, this is getting lamer with every passing second so ima just go now before i further humiliate myself :P ttyl!


pee ess got an ipod touch for christmas!!! :DDD

Thursday, December 22, 2011

This Thursday at mine...

Im sitting at the kitchen table, with the smell of eggs and toast wafting in from the kitchen. one of my brothers is sitting at the table eating, and the other is in the living room decorating the tree with my dad. Mom is in the kitchen creating the tantilizing scents that are taunting me, and i am here, wrapped in my dads big, oversized (for me), green jacket because im freezing :/ im waiting for my friend to call me because we were supposed to go out but shes babysitting now so she cant right away. I am longing to hold one of my friends kittens right now and am barely surpressing the urge to run over and play with them right this second. The only thing stopping me is the bitter cold outside the door and the fact i told my friend id wait for her. My newly trimmed hair is curtaining down over my face and Christmas music is playing in the background. Now i feel like going for a walk around town in the snowy winter wonderland. I have 3 letters ready to send to my friend, and about 4 more to write to various cousins and friends. With the happy thought of cupcakes floating around in your brain, i leave you to ponder this post and perhaps create one like it of your own? Bye lovelys. Until i post again...


Wear big coats,
smell your hair,
Be wary around rib-pokers ;)

1 Confession

Im in looovee <3

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Christmas days


I have had a very good very busy past few days, so sorry for not blogging very often :/ okay. In a nutshell, here are a few of the super cool things that have happened recently:

-ptarmigan "hunting" with my friend Dana around town ;)

-fuzzy sock sisterhood meetings (also with dana)

-watching 'Letters to Juliet' with dana

-promises from my friend Evan to take me with him the next time he goes to the ocean. (seeing as i have never seen it in my entire life and i am 14)

-truth or dare sessions with some of my best friends

-chasing my friend around the house after he decided NOT poking me in the ribs would be too hard.

-eating a delicious turkey dinner with some of my best friends.

-coming home today to a Christmas tree up and decorations around the house.

-spending this evening with the most amazing 5 year-old in the universe who called me and Patti his 'best friends' and 'awesome', told us he loved us 'this much!' while stretching his arms as wide as he could, and told us that he was the cutest in his family and that his big brother (who is our friend) didnt like hugs, thought he was 'ripped' and listened to 'weally weally WEALLY gwoss music' {translation for the little-kid language impaired: really really REALLY gross}

So yes. These past days have been amazing. And tomorrow we (me and patti) are going to see our friends and their kittens <3 so many more ahead! :) love y'all. More later!


Hug mark,
Be cozy,
Spread a lil love ;)

2 smileys that define my life right now


*hopeful smiley * :)

3 things that people do that i love

1. Smile at me in public settings with a look that only we understand the meaning behind.

2. Text me for no reason whatsoever.

3. Spontaniously give me hugs ^.^ i love hugs.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I want to believe. So badly i want to hope. To dream. So i will. And with every passing minute ill keep praying that someday, somehow, youll feel the same way. Because without hope i have nothing. With it, with YOU, i have everything.

All i want

All i want is for us to be a little more than friends. All i want is us to stay up late watching our favourite movies together and end up falling asleep on the couch together. All i want is to act crazy with you in public and not care what other people think. All i want is to laugh with you about things no-one else understands. All i want is to be the one you call when you need someone to lift you up. All i want is to go back to those days when you liked me, figure it out, and tell you that i liked you too. All i want is a second chance at you. All i want is for you to see how good we could be together. All i want is YOU.

You got me.

You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide - I like you
I like you.

I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe - you got me
You got me.

The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours it knocks me off my feet

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up.
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you.

I can't imagine what it'd be like
Living each day in this life - without you.
Without you.
One look from you I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so out of hand.


I hope we always feel this way (I know we will)
And in my heart I know that you will always stay

Oh, I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up.
It feels so good it must be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,


Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.
Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.

Some "LIKE A BOSS" moments...

-staying up super late just because you can

-that amazing moment when you posted something with that special someone in mind at 11:11 totally NOT on purpose

-grabbing your camera and having an impromptu photo shoot at 1 in the morning because your hair is perfect.

-tumblring for hours just because you couldnt stop if you wanted too ;)

-those spontanious solo dance partys you have late at night all alone when your favourite song comes on the radio

-smiling all of a sudden and realizing youre thinking of them :)

-having your headphones in and listening to music really loud but also having the radio on because you need the background noise

-finally deciding to go to sleep at 2 am because your eues simply will not stay open any more

-seeing your reflection in a window And wishing you could make it a picture because you look totally amazing

-going to sleep with them on your mind

-sleeping in until 1 in the afternoon because theres no school and you have nothing to do until later that afternoon

-the amazing feeling you get after taking a shower when a happy song is going through your mind and youre about to see that special someone

-feeling incredibly happy just because you know theyre out there

-the amazing feeling you get as you drift off to sleep, a smile on your face, a stuffie in your hand, and them on your mind.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was a choice,
But falling in love with you was beyond my control <3


Oh. My. Gosh. That was INSANE. Kay so im like, listening to a song on the ipad, and then it stops and i take off my headphones and it comes on on my radio :OOOOOOO that just blew my mind. My mind is officially blown. Wow. That was just.....yeah. I cant believe that just happened. I am just blown away. Gosh....okay :P im done. But...yea that was mind-blowing o.O

4 things that people do that i hate

1. when certain people poke me in the ribs.

2. Come steal my matress when i was incredibly comfortable and then start poking my in the ribs and then end up with a matress fight to the death. You know who you are.....

3. tell me to 'look over there!' and then steal my food -.- its like, REALLY? GO GET YOUR FREAKING OWN THE TABLE IS RIGHT OVER THERE...GOSH.

4. bug me about liking a guy in FRONT of him when they know we're only friends. not cool. awkward.


bring joy,
celebrate love,
hope for a kitten ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The pancake chronicles.....

Heeeey :)

Hows everyone doin? Well i just realized that i havent done an actual POST in awhile so i decided to do one! Yaaaay!

Haha. Okay. So first off, let me stress the fact that if you have never made pancakes with a little kid, you should. Its pretty fun ;) yesterday, after sleeping in until about 2 oclock, i awoke famished and was designated the babysitter of my youngest brother who is 4 as of a couple months. So once everyone was gone and my hunger was ravenous, i decided to make some pancakes.

My brother being the always-busy kid that he is, decided that he would help. Sooo we pulled a chair into the kitchen and chatted as i got the ingredients out and he hummed to the muppets christmas cd that was on. All was going smooth, me measuring out ingredients and him dumping them into the bowl. And oh, did i mention we were both donning our Santa hats? Yea. It was pretty great x)

So things are rolling along, when he decided that he, yes HE, wanted to crack the eggs and put them in the bowl. I was extremely hesitant but figured that messes can always be cleaned right? So yea. I let him. First egg, smoothly cracked and plopped into the mixture with no major mess and no shell mixed in. Okay. This could work right? Next egg. Cracked at the tip and while he tryed to open it above the bowl, it smashed into a zillion little egg pieces. Luckily for us and the future of those pancakes, i had super-human reflexes and managed to catch the egg shell while allowing only the egg to go through.

I look at my brother who's staring wide-eyed into the bowl and at me where i stand lurched halfway over the counter with egg dripping off both our hands and me probably looking like i was in shock. then, just as i was worried he would be upset, he turns to me and a huge grin sprouts on his little-boy face. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" i laughed and dragged him over to the sink where we scrubbed any potential salmonella off of our hands and continued to make our breakfast/lunch. So yea. It was a pretty fun day ;) and the pancakes were rather delicious thank you very much. In fact, i think ill go habe another one now...


5 people who mean alot (in no order whatsoever)

1. My Grandparents c:

2. My mom & dad :3

3. Patti (and all my friends)

4. Mark x) okay how bout his entire family :)

5. My Auntie Meeka and her family <3

Alriigght :) i realize that these are more GROUPS of ppl but im allowed to twist this one a lil ;) besides, more than just 5 people mean alot to me.


6 things i wish id never done

1. Had a huge crush on a guy for MONTHS when it is so obvious to me now that hes a jerk. Wish i had all that time back...

2. Attempted to pop a balloon at the mini golf course once when i was on a class picnic in grade five. All my friends had done it and dared me and so i marched bravely forth with a sharp rock, only to be scared out of my flipping MIND when the golf course supervisor started yelling at me o.O i serriously almost had a heart attack but somehow managed to run away as fast as i possibly could. I think the fright they gave me took off a couple years of my life expectancy though so...yea :P

3. Been such a shy kid. Like, i serriously used to be so quiet its not even funny. Recently ive discovered the joy of being an idoit and not caring what other people think about you ;) its fun. So yea, i kinda hate that i didnt discover that out sooner. Ohwell :) i did now! & most of my friends probably wish i would shut up a little sometimes ;)

4. Haha. Well this is something im glad i DIDNT do. See, when i was on vacation with Patti last year, we were in Kelowna, and her mom offered us and these other kids with us some sort of candy thing. And so like, everyone took one except me, and it turns out they were....less than pleasant :) so i felt kinda smart and relieved and proud of xD

5. Eaten those peppers my mom snuck into my noodles yesterday :P i nearly died from the burn in my mouth xP

6. Decided i could walk home from school without gloves o.O never again.... SO COLD.

(sorry i didnt get this done yesterday :P i was busy all day & when i got online at like, 1 in the morning i was too tired to think. So yea :D )

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A typical blonde conversation ;)

My friend dana: wouldnt it be SO cool if there was like, animals that were just lumps and couldnt move and you could just like, put them all over your room?!?!!?!?


Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday to me :)

Starting time... 7:11 pm
Mood... excited, happy, bored, hungry, wanting 2 see friends...
Outside my window... the sky is getting dark :/
I'm thinking... about how inCREDIBLY stoked i am that schools out for Christmas break! :DDDD
I'm currently reading... still nothing :P sorry...
I'm listening to... The CT 20 on Mix 100 :) "everyday im shuffling"
I'm wearing... my black pants, a grey t-shirt, and my grandpas incredible orange checkered sweater :) yea im cool ;)
I'm looking forward to...  Being a crazy teenager this break :D
I'm hoping... i do a bunch of incredibly fun things with my friends this break :)
Yesterday, I... had an amazing impromtu get-together with my friend dana <3 it was amazing.
I'm hungry for... pizza 8P
The song stuck inside my head is... Mountain Dew by KJ 52 :)
I love... holidays & my amazing friends <3
I loathe... not having anything to do -.-
This week, my goal is... to do as many crazy fun things as i possibly can with my friends :)
Did I meet last week's goal?... nope. hasnt been a week yet :P lol. maybe i should change this question to 'yesterdays goal' XD
Ending time... 7:20 pm

7 Things that cross my mind alot

1. Song lyrics. Im kind of obsessed with music. there is ALWAYS a song going through my head. Its like my brain has this little soundtrack throughout the day :)

2. I wish it was summer. As much as i like Christmas and snow sometimes, in the long run winter bugs me. Yes, its beautiful. Yes, Christmas wouldnt be the same without it. But i cannot abide being stuck in a house for hours and hours with nowhere to go and no hope of going outside because its freezing. When i have friends over, its different. When i dont? boredom to the max.

3. Im bored. Yes. that could mean im lazy. or it could mean i dont have an iphone yet and, therefore, cannot text my friends to do things, ergo, i have nothing to do and am bored :P moral? life stinks when you dont have a phone -.-

4. Kittens. Kittens cross my mind alot. Especially as of late. Ever had a dream that deep down you KNOW isnt going to come true but you still keep the ember of hope burning? yea. Well i might kinda have a dream about getting a kitty for Christmas :P or whenever. But yea...i know im not goona :( which kinda isnt so great but... i will dream :) just know that if you ever got me a kitten, there would be a very special place in my heart for you :)

5. I should really go to bed now... ;) lol. this is so very true. im all 'ugh! im so tired! gotta get 2 bed on time today!' and then its lik, 12 and im all 'just 5 more minutes...' what can i say? im a born procrastinator ;D

6. I wish *insert persons name * was here right now... yea :P i like my friends. If  i could, i would be with them all the time :) they make me happyyy.

7. Daydreams. Daydreams are always in my head. Sometimes they float around in the back of my mind, not the dominating thought but they're in there ;) other times, i find myself jerking back into reality with someone calling my name for the umpteenth time ;D sorry if its ever been you trying to get me to snap back into reality :) what do i daydream about? thats for me to know and you to wonder about :)

{not my photo but this girl is SO beautiful. just saying :) }

day 7? check.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday in the life of me :)

Starting time... 1:35 pm
Mood... Tired, sore back, curious, happy, peaceful, excited
Outside my window... well im @ school but outside the window next to me there's the parking lot and cars and snow and roads.
I'm thinking... about God and Love and Eternity
I'm currently reading... nothing :( maybe a Ted Decker book soon though...
I'm listening to... well youtube is blocked so nothing but the song 'playing' in my head is Angel by Casting Crowns
I'm wearing... my black tights, my black ruffled skirt, my blue t-shirt, and my grey sweater.
I'm looking forward to...  Christmas break and this evening :D
I'm hoping... the rest of this school day and then tomorrows school day go really quickly :P
Yesterday, I... went to the grocery for like, 2 HOURS with my mom.
I'm hungry for... nothing. i'd like a tall glass of cold orange juice though <3
The song stuck inside my head is... A Hundred more Years by Fransesca Batistelli
I love... God, writing, letters, good music
I loathe... being a terrible friend and not writing my friend back for 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! IM SO TERRIBLE!
This week, my goal is... to finnish the letters to my friend, send them, see a certain adorable litter of kittens again, and survive the last 5 periods of school before Christmas break. and THEN, get re-aquainted with Hailey who's coming up here next Tuesday! {more on that later}
Did I meet last week's goal?... no -.- been getting to bed late and school late. no fun.
Ending time... 1:42 pm

8 Ways to win my heart

1. Love God first. This is serriously the most important thing on this list. If you want my heart, Jesus better be living in yours. Cause without him in yours you wont get even CLOSE to getting the key to mine.
2. Be clean. I dont mean like, take a shower every single day and make sure to shampoo and condition! i mean be clean in the way you live. This should be pretty simple if God is in control of your life but heres what a mean. Dont drink. gross. Same for smoking. Guys that think they're 'all that' who zoom past me in their fancy sports cars flashing a grin and waving with a can of beer and a cigarette in their hand are only going to succeed in making me disgusted. I dont go for all that macho-male attitude. Nu-uh. Also, i consider language part of you, so that should be clean too. No swearing and no taking the Lord's name in vain. ever. I dont like being around people who swear every second word because they think it makes them sound cool. it doesnt. bottom line. dont do it.
3. Chivalry. This. is. very. important. Sure you can walk over and be a super-cute guy thats nice and everything, but if you dont respect girls in general, its a no-go. You can tell how a guy respects woman by the way he treats ALL girls. His mother, sisters if he has any, and any female he comes into contact with. I can assure you that even if you're opening the door for me and being all sweet, if another girl walks over and you do or say or imply something disrespectful, i will see your true colors and it will only make me walk away, keys to my heart dangling in my fingers.
4. Well i think we already covered this but a kitten would be very nice indeed ;)
5. Treat your family well. If you're the kind of guy that respects his mom, listens to his dad and plays with his siblings, then consider that another check on the list of winning me over.
6. Be fun/funny. As much as i like being able to talk serriously to guys, i adore having fun with them. I dont want candle-lit dinners by moonlight or romantic strolls on the beach, i want someone to race me to the bench on the other side of the park and climb trees with. Just someone to laugh with. And someone to make me laugh.
7. Be yourself. I dont want to know what you can be like to impress me, i want to know YOU. who YOU are. what YOU like. what YOUR favourite food is. you, you, you. dont try to be something you're not because it'll only suceed in making us both miserable when we find out we dont belong together. PleaseohpleaseohPLEASE just be yourself :)
8. Make sure you're in it for forever. I dont want the key to my heart to just be another for your collection. If you like me enough to pursue me, then do it with forever in mind. Because im not here so you can win a contest. I dont want to be another stop on your journey for 'the one'. I want to BE the one. I want you to fall head over heels for me. I want to be your final destination. Not a pit stop along the way.

So folks, there you have it! day 3 of this blogging challenge. Hope you're having fun reading and please feel free to do this on your own blog if you want. Talk to you soon!


hold peace in your heart,
spread joy where you go,
dance with the Father,
his love you will know.


listen to the lyrics.
She's in Love:

Love never fails:

While im Waiting:


Hundred More Years:

Someday Soon:


A Hopeful Romantic

okay, so first of all, doesnt that sound WAY better than being a hope-LESS romantic? i think so. besides, Jesus gives us hope so why should we reject that and be miserable? doesnt make any sense. anyways i cant stay to chat right now, but i wanted to give you guys this link...

serriously, i was a little skeptical at first, but the more i read, the more im hooked. so go, do yourself a favour and check it out ;) you wont be dissapointed.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nine things about Myself {cuz i know you're dieing to know more ;) }

1. I love wearing warm/cozy/soft things but i always end up taking them off because i get too hot
2.I have like, 6 different journals that I write in as much as possible. I'm kinda obsessed with writing and besides that, I thought it'd be neat to have journals to show my future kids :)
3. I love calendars, fuzzy socks, pens, summer, rain, walking, sleeping, and being with my friends.
4. I used to be a really quiet, shy, girly girl, but now I'm a not-so-quiet, WAY more outgoing, not a tomboy but defiantly NOT a girly girl. At all. I call it a personality change, my mom called it 'coming into myself' I dunno what you'd call it but I like it :)
5. I want a cat. REALLY badly. As in if I saw a box with 'free kittens' written on it, no matter what my parents would do, I would take one. So like, if I was going out with a guy and he gave me a kitten for my birthday or christmas or valentines day or Easter or something, you can be sure that he would feel no lack of gratitude. ;) {note to all guys. To win my heart, give me a kitty. Got it.}
6. I never watched the muppets when I was little, but I loved Elmo's World and Winnie the Pooh. {confession! Still do ;) I am this very moment hugging a pillow in the shape of Winnie's head and snuggling on a blanket of him and tigger. That's right, I'm a cool teenager.
7. I hate television with a passion but the only shows that I will watch are Reba, House, and Once upon a Time.
8. I would much rather walk and hang out around town with my friends than sit in a house and watch movies. Except for in the winter when I love playing video games with them.
9. I Have a secret. A big one that only me and God know and unless something happens that's all who's ever goona know. But it's a good secret and I think everyone should have the joy of being the keeper of their thoughts. Or that one special thought that only you know.

Kay darlings! I g2g now. Talk to y'all tomorrow!


Nourish Hope,
Let Joy flow,
Clutch love tightly and never let it go.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday to me :)

Starting time... 10:39 pm
Mood... sleepy, super happy, hungry, ecstatic, dreamy :)
Outside my window... A dog is barking, the streetlight shines, and the world sleeps on.
I'm thinking... I should really go shower so I can get to sleep...
I'm currently reading...Eye of the Oracle by Bryan Davis
I'm listening to... Just a Kiss by Lady Antebellum
I'm wearing... Black sweat pants and my Adidas tshirt
I'm looking forward to...  Friday after school when Christmas vacation starts :)))
I'm hoping... I'm on time tomorrow and something happens that I can't write here c:
Yesterday, I... Did nothing special or out of the ordinary.
I'm hungry for... fries or a pizza sub from subway :d
The song stuck inside my head is... Not over You by Gavin DeGraw
I love... life, kittens, sleep, love <3
I loathe... Getting to bed this late, -.- being tired all day, dirty hair, breakouts x-/
Did I meet last week's goal?...ummm idk what it was :P but if it's what I think it is, then yes :)
Ending time... 10:47 pm

A Blog Challenge :)

Kay lovelys,

So I found this floating around blogger,

> Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
> Day Two: Nine things about yourself
> Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart
> Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot
> Day Five: Six things you wish you'd never done
> Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
> Day Seven: Four things that people do that you hate
> Day Eight: Three things that people do that you love
> Day Nine: Two smileys that define your life right now
> Day Ten: One confession

And I haven't really done anything like it before but I thought I would try it out :) so without further ado....

Ten things I want to say to ten different people right now:

-Thank you so much for never leaving me even when everyone else does.
-Thank you for always being on my side.
-I don't want you to leave, but if you do, just know you'll always be my sister.
-i miss you. Come back soon.
-Im sorry :(
-I wish I could visit you! *hugs *
-I love you. So yea.
-You're amazing. I love your smile.
-lets be friends Kay?
-No matter how different we both may be now, you're still my best friend and always will be.

Okay! That wasn't so hard :) tune in tomorrow for 9 things about me, and I'll try to astound you with some new facts a la moi ;) byyeeee!


So Close

{my favourite song right now...}

You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I want is to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this one's not pretend
And now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far, we are, so close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We're so close
To reaching that famous happy ending
Almost believing this one's not pretend
Let's go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

Listen here: So Close

Monday, December 12, 2011

"There Is A God"

Try and put your arms around
the 100 year old tree
Climb up on a horse
and let it run full speed
Take a look down at the world from 30,000 feet
on your next flight

Watch a flock of birds
against the morning sun
Close your eyes and listen
to the river run
Catch a firefly in your hand
or a raindrop on your tongue
That's right

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God
How much proof do you need?

Plant a seed and see
what comes out of the ground
Find the heartbeat on your baby's ultrasound
In a few years hear it laughing,
and don't it sound like a song?

Stop and think about
what you don't understand
Things like life and love
and how the world began
Hear the doctor say he can't explain it,
but the cancer is gone

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God
How much proof do you need?

Science says it's all just circumstance
Like this whole worlds just an accident
But if you want to shoot that theory down,
Look around

Just look around

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God,
How much proof do you need?

Oh there is a God
There is a God
There is a God
How much proof do you need?

Listen here:There is a God

Sunday, December 11, 2011


kay darlings,
just wanted to say sorry if ive been rlly confusing as of late. i mean, one second my posts are all happy and sunshine and flowers and lollipops and the next they're sad and tears and mopey and depressing. i dont want anyone thinking im just being a super dramatic well...drama queen :P so sorry if thats the impression you've been getting. honestly, im just at a difficult place right now. and i cant really do anything about it except for wait but as we all know that can be REALLY hard sometimes. so yea. i apologize immensly if ive been coming off as dramatic and fake. thats the LAST thing im trying to be. everything i post i try to be really really....real and i try to make what i write and post reflect my current emotions. which recently have been like a blender of feelings as you might have gathered. anyways yea, just wanted to clear that up. and if yur still reading my blog....i congratulate you. bye lovelys. talk soon.


Surprise, Surprise.

Okay. So i was wrong about today failing. It was amazing. all around just...great. yea. im way 2 tired to go into deets but i jus thot id let y'all know. kay. ttyl.....bye ;)


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ever had one of those days where everything is goin great and you have a plan and you start to set it in motion and then all of a sudden, everything that could go wrong goes wrong? I just had one of those, reminding me how much I hate them. I was goona have a bunch of people over right? To watch a movie and chill? So I like, clean the house, and it was perfect cuz my entire family was going out. So I ask my mom, and she says yes but then she asks who I wanted to come and I told her, {it was 2 guys and 2 girls} and she sez the guys can't come over with no parents around. I complained but no budging there. So then she starts to go and one of my little brothers puts up a huge freaking fuss and she tells him to come like a zillion times but he doesnt listen and so she leaves him. Great. So I'm REALLY trying to be positive and even though this annoys the heck out of me, I pick up the phone to call the other people and both of them can't come. So now, Im stuck at home, blasting music on the tv and wishing I had a magic wand to make my parents not care when guys come over, my brothers to actually listen for once instead of acting like selfish spoiled brats, and my entire life to just turn out RIGHT for once. And to top it all off, tomorrow I have to go be Mary in the Christmas play at my church. Just great. Because I am so NOT a serene, gentle kinda girl. No way. I'm goona go now. Wish me luck with the rest of this fail of a day....

Friday, December 9, 2011

I do wanna love you

"For The Nights I Can't Remember"

[Verse 1:]
I see it in the way you would do
When no one else could ever get through
Holding back till I come around
Time and time again you wait for me to come in
And did you really look my way?
Cause no one could've seen this coming
I would never let you down
If I was running backwards in full time

So I can and I will and you’ll see your hero come running
Over and over tonight

And I do wanna love you
If you see me running back
And I do wanna try
Because if falling for you boy is crazy
Then I’m going out of my mind
So hold back your tears this time

[Verse 2:]
Me, I’m used to being tired and bloody
But you believed that I could be somebody
You put your world on hold for me
Gave away to follow failure through the fire
I need you to know I will
Believe me boy I’m so tired of running
I just wanna hold your hand
Stare at you like you’ve got everything I need

And I can so I will and you’ll see your hero come running
Over and over tonight

And I do wanna love you
If you see me running back
And I do wanna try
Because if falling for you boy is crazy
Then I’m going out of my mind
So hold back your tears this time

[Verse 3:]
And what if I never said to you I was dynamite
And what if I never told you I’m afraid to cry
What if I never let you down
And said I’m sorry for the nights I can’t remember
What if I never said to you I would try

Yeah Yeah Yeah

And I do wanna love you
(If you see me running back)
And I do wanna try
Because if falling for you boy is crazy
Then I’m going out of my mind
So hold back your tears this time

[Repeat Chorus]

Hold back your tears this time

Oh Oh

common thoughts?

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Guess whaaaaaatt? remember those kittys i told you i was going to visit? well i visited them yesterday! & they're SO cute :) so yea. jus thot i'd tell y'all ;)


give Love
make Memories
hug a kitten <3

Could We Be?

Theres a you and theres a me,
We seem to fit so perfectly,
I see you walk the streets with her,
My heart aches and my eyes blur,

But sometimes i wonder If you meant what you said to them,
You told them you wanted me i heard and sparkled, wondered 'when'?

So could we be? you and me?
i can just see the way we'd be,

Laughing like crazy, Running in the wind,
You'd try to pull me closer i'd happily give in,
We'd watch our favourite movies and walk all over town,
We'd lift each other to the clouds and never would come down,

You and me, could we be?

I know that you're with her right now,
but i wont let that bring me down,
cause i believe with all my heart,
that we do not belong apart,

If only you knew what you meant to me
Because of her i wont say but i pray someday you'll see

So could we be? you and me?
i can just see the way we'd be,

Laughing like crazy, Running in the wind,
You'd try to pull me closer i'd happily give in,
We'd watch our favourite movies and walk all over town,
We'd lift each other to the clouds and never would come down,

You and me, could we be?

So i'll just wait patiently right now,
Until the day you turn things around,
Could be real soon, could be in awhile,
No matter how long it'll be worthwhile,

Someday you will know that i want you too,
And we'll be together just like i always knew,

And we will be, you and me,
And they'll all see the way we'll be,

Laughing like crazy, Running in the wind,
You'll try to pull me closer i'll happily give in,
We'll watch our favourite movies and walk all over town,
We'll lift each other to the clouds, we're never coming down,

you and me, we will be.

Copywrited A.E 2011

So Close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thankfulness :D

Hullo lovelys,

How is everyone? good? good :) i thought that since its almost Christmas, i would do a little "Thankful" post. I dont think that needs an explination ;) soo without further ado...

I'm Thankful For...



-My Betta Fish, Max :)

{sorry for the crummy quality :P }

-My Bunny, Peter <3

{again, not great pic :P try 2 get better ones soon...}

-This lip balm...

{serriously, its amazing. try it.}

-Laptops. {oh what would we do without them?}

{this is actually my baby :) excuse the mess in the background. this is b4 i cleaned my desk...}

-Sleep. Who doesnt love it?

-Blogging :) idk what i would do if i couldnt put my random rantings to rest on these hallowed internet pages. i <3 blogging.


{idk y but i love this...}

Alright honey-bees :) thats all for today :) more soon!


give Love
take memories
hug a Kitten <3

i will not be moved.

idk why but this song really hit home, check it out....

I have been the wayward child
I have acted out
I have questioned Sovereignty
And had my share of doubt
And though sometimes my prayers feel like
They're bouncing off the sky
The hand I hold won't let me go
And is the reason why...

I will stumble
I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes
I will face heartache
But I will not be moved
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I will not be moved

Bitterness has plagued my heart
Many times before
My life has been like broken glass
And I have kept the score
Of all my shattered dreams and though it seemed
That I was far too gone
My brokenness helped me to see
It's grace I'm standing on


And the chaos in my life
Has been a badge I've worn
Though I have been torn
I will not be moved


Monday, December 5, 2011


Guesswhat Guesswhat Guesswhat????? i get to see kittys todaaaaaayyy!!!!!!!!! baby kittys!!!!!! and they belong to my friend Evan, {well his cat anyways ;D } and i havent seen them yet but the last litter was freckled ADORABLE. Serriously they were tiny {as kittens normally are ;D } super soft, and the cutest things EVER. So i cant wait to see these ones too :)

The last litter was so freckled ADORABLE and i betcha these ones will be too :) See, Patti told Evan she would bring him some cake, and she also thought that it would be a good excuse to see the kittens so off we go! We talked about going to her house and then walking over to his place together but i think itd be easier if we both just head over and meet eachother there. See? simple.

Anywaaaaaayyssss im excited. kittens are great :D and im in Socials now so i better go. Talk to y'all sooonnn!!!!!!!!



Hullo lovelys!

today is a VERY special day, because on this very date, 14 years ago, my best friend Patricia was welcomed into the world on the beautiful island of Indonesia. and the world has never been the same since ;) {believe me!}

Now, Patricia is a fabulous, amazing, gorgeous, and fantastic member of the world that brings happiness wherever she goes. Legit, she can make you laugh when yur sad and if ur having a bad day, all you needa do is go see her and she'll have u laughing like a maniac in no time ;)

She's been my bff for about 6 years now, and we know everything there is to know about each other. And i mean EVERYTHING. we have so many private jokes, i cant even begin to explain them {nor would i because of the word PRIVATE} serriously, someone around us just needs to say one key word, like "Root Beer" and we sneak a glance at eachother and crack up. heh heh...good times XD

Not to mention, when you see someone at LEAST once a week, and you go countless places together and share everything from clothes to bottles of sprite {ahh memories!} you get to know them REALLY good. So like, yesterday at church? i was sitting at the sound booth when someones arms reach around me and start hugging my neck. at first im like "....wtheck?" but then i hear the person laugh and i gasp and start hugging them back. it was patti :D

So yea, shes pree dope if ya couldnt tell. Loves sprite and the color yellow, cute animals, kids in general and sparkly things ;D I love her like a sista and thats no lie :) 

I was thinking, in honour of this monumental day, would y'all head on over to her blog and check it out? follow, comment, bask in the awesomeness? it'd mean alot to meeee! :D thanks bubbletarts. talk to y'all soon kay? kay. byyeeeeeee!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Drop in the Ocean....

"Its just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, i was praying that you and me might end up together, its like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert but ill keep holding closer to you, cause you are my heaven" <3

is that not the most bittersweet song ever? im in love with it. its stuck in my head in a major way :P so yea. thats cool.

anywaaays im at school right now. not exactly my favourite pastime in the universe -.- perhaps it wouldnt be quite so bad if i actually had a FRIEND here. ykno, those people you sneak out of class to meet and skip with and giggle with in the hallways and pass notes too and all that lovely jazz? uh-huh. one of those. cuz as it is, being the loser without any friends AND no phone just really sucks sometimes. But wateves. ill survive ;)

*SIGH * okay, so i had like, a yoghurt for lunch today right? cuz i wasnt super hungry, and then just as i was about to leave the house i grabbed a little mini bag of those crunchy cheezies. so now, i kinda want to eat them but i CANT because im in the library where we arent allowed to eat and if i tryed to sneak em, the crunchs would echo everywhere and id get caught. my, my, what i wouldnt do for a cupcake right this second. a vanilla cupcake with french vanilla icing. and not that gross fakey, to-sweet stuff you buy in a store. stuff made at home. yum. but alas, i hav not the ingredients nor the strength to make cupcakes once i get home. so as we started this paragraph.... *SIGH *

goshbubbles. im so tired xI and this bench thingy im sitting on, though cushioned, doesnt have a long enough seat so its not so comfy. ohwell. at least its cushioned. better then every other class where we sit on hard desk chairs all day.

ohmyfuzzysocks i have SO much to do. well maybe i dont, i dont know. it just FEELS like i have a zillion things to do. i probably dont have that much.

oh money, thou doth taunt me. kay lovelys. heres the dish. i dont have a job, nor do i WANT  a job. i would LIKE money but i dont NEED money, therefore, i am not going to get a job and labour for something i dont NEED. i may occasionally do odd jobs but thats it. i am not a "welcome to mcdonalds how may i help you?" kinda chick. no no no. so, in the meantime, Christmastime is coming, the goose is getting fat, and i do not have a penny for the old mans hat. I have limited funds to get things for 11 people. and by limited i mean 15 dollars in total. yea. then theres home-made things but i seem to be at a lack of creative skills. so lucky me. i need to find a way to not seem like a stingy old penny-pincher on the day of Christ's birth. fun.

on a lighter note, lets all welcome our dear old friend, bringer of Christmas cheer, describer of winter, bringer of cold and ice and snow, lets give it up for....


So yes, our old confidant has arrived. Lets give him a warm welcome. *wild applause * ;) there ya go darlings. just like that.

Okaaay well I'm exhausted, both physically and mentaly, and i have Socials next so if you'll excuse me, i believe i shall scamper off into the real, less-pleasant land of high school so i may not be tardy ;) love y'all
