Sunday, September 30, 2012

music, vintage and a cup of tea

"shivering in the atmosphere of a haunting melody, with the lights out and the blinds open revealing a black winters night. that's where i feel most alive. its like my soul is lifted on the strains of the song and carried out into the universe. and in those moments i just feel."

I would like to bring to your attention, this song;

Listen. Just do it. No excuses. 

I've discovered a new love for Autumn. The colors, scents riding on the breeze, hints of winter and fragments of summer mixed together. I love it. 

I would also like to bring to your attention this blog;

Its the blog of Patti. My best friend/sister who lives in Indonesia. She's amazing. So is her blog. Check it out <3

Im longing for a few things right now. Cashmere sweaters, red gloves, snow. Winter. Lots of people would probably be mad/think im crazy for being excited about winter. Its just right now, its the season i feel most connected to. 

Im going to do my daily (but not quite) thing now. Sorry, im just tired and inspiration is running a little low.


Starting time~ 7:00 pm

Mood~ sleepy, thirsty, hungry, day-dream-y

Outside my window~ grey-blue sky 

I'm thinking~ i want to watch 'Its a Wonderful Life'

I'm currently reading~ still The Circle: the complete volumes of Black, Red, White & Green. By: Ted Dekker

I'm listening to~ Shelter -Birdy

I'm wearing~ black sweat pants and a periwinkle t-shirt

I'm looking forward to~ Christmas. Winter

I'm hoping~ i can make popcorn and tea

Yesterday I~ didnt really do anything :p

I'm hungry for~ fries.

The song stuck inside my head is~ Shelter -Birdy

I love~ blankets, sweaters, tea, honey, friends, family, old movies. 

I loathe~ feeling sick, sweating perpetually, lack of nourishment when im starving 0.O

This week, my goal is~ umm... idk :P nothing really. when i think of something i'll add it. 

Did I meet last week's goal? nope :/ but i did blog alot more than usual. 

Ending time~ 7:15 pm

I must leave now my sweets. Have a lovely day. Until next time,


watch something retro,
drink a cup of tea,
listen to Birdy,
love vintage clothing.

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