Monday, September 24, 2012

'They all seemed to function in it, but to say they controlled it would be wrong. The chaos controlled THEM.' -Ted Dekker, White

I loved that quote. Read it and thought it was so fantastic, that now I'm planning to design a poster with it. 

So me and my mom are currently loving a show. You've probably heard of it. Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo? Yeah. Haters gon' hate. But really it's not fair to hate them. What have they done to deserve any of the meaness people shove at them? I mean REALLY? Besides, they're hilarious. I love em. A quote from little Alana? 'if I don't talk with my mouth full when am I goona talk?' needless to say we laughed at that one. And many more. So hey! Give them a shot. 

Sorry about the cryptic post yesterday. I was upset about a couple things and just feeling kinda low. But things are looking up. I'm about to begin a few new courses which will be nice. I want to blast through schoolwork this year. Just get it OVER with, you know? 

Anyways, me and Dana have decided to join together and fundraise. I need money. There's a lot of expensive things I would like and partially need. So yeah. A fundraising we will go!

Guys, I need to run. My phone is dying and I'm talking to my best friend. Let's all wish her a speedy recovery by the way. Shes home sick <3 feel better Patti! <3

Ok I really gotta go. Love y'all,


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