Friday, September 21, 2012

'Oh the exquisite pain of wanting someone so unattainable' 

There's my quote of the day...week...month? Haha. Anyways, there you have it. I heard it a few months ago and some things just seem to stick in my brain. I don't mind. Makes for good thought processing. 

So, i'm home! Don't know if i mentioned that last time but i'm pretty sure i didn't. Vacation was great. I love traveling and this was probably the most memorable trip i've been on. You have no idea how many times i wanted to pull out my phone or ipod to snap a picture of where i was or what i was doing... and then decided against it. Memories are one thing, but sometimes i just want to remember myself. I dont NEED a picture because i can see it clearly in my mind. And the places i saw... so many beautiful, BEAUTIFUL places. I sat under a huge tree in Jasper, surrounded by mountains and people and fudge store and coffee shops. Alone and observing as the wind swept my hair from side to side. So many memories. So many images. All in my mind. And thats the way i like it. Because really, i want to feel the moment. I want to just feel.  Not think all the time. 

Some interesting concepts have been fluttering around in my mind lately. And some confliction's as well. I see some people, and i think that i would like to be their friend. But sometimes i just cant. Because of obvious or not so obvious reasons. And that frustrates me. Because its like, WOW. I have SO MUCH in common with you. We could be great friends. But this one little thing keeps us from it. This one, tiny little reason. I tell you, its enough to drive one mad sometimes. How can so many things be drawing us together, but one little detail be the wall keeping us seperate? keeping us hostile at times? 

My hands smell like strawberries. Well, strawberry lotion. Just thought i'd mention that. Because we all wanted to know. 

I'd best be on my way now, i have friends to text and research to do. Adieu avant demain!


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