Monday, July 16, 2012


Starting time~ 1:29 pm

Mood~ tired, stomach-ache, thirsty

Outside my window~ a super smoky, really dusty day :/

I'm thinking~ i wish i would stop feeling sick

I'm currently reading~ nothing. 

I'm listening to~ the fan whiz and spin behind me.

I'm wearing~ black sweat pants and a red t-shirt

I'm looking forward to~ getting a drink and watching a movie...

I'm hoping~ something happens. 

Yesterday I~ slept in and then went biking with my friends Dana and Tristha :)

I'm hungry for~ nothing. too sick to eat. 

The song stuck inside my head is~ Perfect for Me by Ron Pope <3

I love~ waking up and immediately talking to my best friend <3, waking up from a bad dream and realizing you're hugging your special stuffies :3

I loathe~ feeling far away from God, feeling sick xC

This week, my goal is~ get a cute new haircut :)

Did I meet last week's goal?~ yep.

Ending time~ 1:40 pm

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