Tuesday, November 29, 2011

(1) What is the nerdiest/geekiest/weirdest thing about you?
um...idk :P theres too many to pick from XD

(2) If you could live in a fictional world from any book, movie, or T.V. show, what would it be?
oh gosh...this is hard :P umm....oh! Narnia! :DDDDD actually, Narnia and the World that Dragons in Our Midst was set in. Like, its our World but id wanna go to Dragons rest and the Circles of Seven and blah :)

(3) Little or big, practical or frivolous, what is one of your favorite items in your house?
my journal and my fuzzy socks :)

(4) Do you like animated movies? If so, what is your favorite?
ohmyfuzzysocks this is a hard question...um i love Rio and Tangled and basically all Disney movies but my all time FAVOURITES are Hercules, The Lion King 1 and 2, 101 Dalmations and Tangled and Rio XD

(5) What is your favorite household chore?
meh. im so NOT a household-work kinda chick. dont like any of them :P

(6) What is your favorite thing to get at Starbucks?
:( we dont have a starbucks. but i love cappuchinos from most anywhere :)

(7) What is your favorite pizza topping?
cheese, pepperoni, sausage, bacon, green peppers, onions, olives and mushrooms. :) yea.

(8) Waffles or pancakes?
depends on my mood. right now? waffles :)

(9) Do you like to play games? If so, what is your favorite?
video games? yes. i love Halo.

(10) Have you ever let anyone win a game?

(11) Have you ever dyed you hair?
no. ive always wanted to be all 'yea, ive never dyed my hair' but recently ive kinda been wanting too :P so i may soon....

(12) Do you make your bed every morning?
um, i throw the covers back in the general way they;re supposed to be but i dont like, meticulously fold every piece of blanket and smooth out all the wrinkles.

(13) Picasso or Norman Rockwell?
....i have no idea what this means sooo.... ??????

(14) Do you like tile, carpet, or hardwood floors?
tile for bathrooms, carpet for living rooms, and hardwood for bedrooms.

(15) If you could put one thing in a safe under your bed, what would it be?
my journals. i would flip if anyone saw them.

(16) What is your favorite condiment?
depends on what its for, but mostly mustard <3

(17) Have you ever thrown up on someone?

(18) What was the last thing that made you laugh?
The vids im watching on youtube right now. XD   Red vs Blue. HILARIOUSLY AMAZING.

(19) Think fast....what song pops into your head?
Party Rock Anthem. By LMFAO. uh-huh. that song is boss ;)

Ah-mazingness ;D

okeydokes my bubbletarts,

y'see, i have this friend. and she's rather stupendous. and her name is Cassie and i love her to death. so guess what? she has a blog! Squee! and it just so happens to be inCREDIBLY amazing and i had no idea that she was such a crazy good writer and y'kno wat? you should go check it out. really. shes that good. and i would personally be veryveryvery happy if you went and looked at it right now? and hey! maybe once your there you'll see how incredibly awe-inspiring it is and comment? maybe even follow it? {hint hint nudge nudge ;D } kay lovelys. thats all i ask :)))


(O.o) see? im in awe of its awesomness and yet, its a full click away! that alone should tell you something. alright. im done blabbing. just go ;)


This day called Tuesday

Starting time... 12:02 pm
Mood... peaceful, happy, sleepy, wanting 2 see patti
Outside my window... urm, well im kinda at school in the gym but outside the gym outside the school there is roads and snow and cold.
I'm thinking...  i wish i could go curl up somewhere uber cozy, read my book and take a nap.
I'm currently reading... The Shack by William P. Young. SO GOOD. {and if i see patti tonight im going to ask to borrow Adam or Immanuels Veins by Ted Decker. Im really into suspensful books right now :)))
I'm listening to...  the sound of my gym class playing badminton. {no youtube :( }
I'm wearing... Black sweats, a black/grey Adidas t-shirt, and a red sweater.
I'm looking forward to...  maybe seeing patti tonight :D its been like, WEEKS. Okay after a quick calculation its been 3 1/2 days but do you KNOW how long that is to not see your best friend????
I'm hoping... something happens to A. change the person im playing oppisite in the Christmas peagent and B. something very happy happens but i cant tell you what :))) 
Yesterday, I... watched my first episode of House EVER and i love it to death. my new favourite show :) {and i watched 'Elizabeth' the movie too}
I'm hungry for... mcdonalds fries and a french vanilla cappuchino.
The song stuck inside my head is... Freedom Reigns by Micheal Larson. GO YOUTUBE IT.
I love... sleeping, this book, most every book in the universe, blogging, Jesus <3, my friends, sleep, ice tea, ice caps, lemonade, kool-aid, rain, pizza, subway, mcdonalds, good movies,  mukluks, dreams, daydreaming, walking, my hair, soft sweaters, sun, the beach, snowboarding, summer :(, my amazing cousins ;) , did i mention sleep? um...yea. pree much everything right now :D im in a good mood atm if ya couldnt tell...
I loathe... not getting enough sleep, not seeing my friends for a really long time, yea :(
This week, my goal is... to read my bible almost if not every day, to pray EVERY day, and to basically not fall back into a place where i feel eons away from God because it sucks. majorly.
Did I meet last week's goal?... no. but ima try to get those books tonight :D
Ending time... 12:18

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday afternoon.

Kay, so member that thing i did like, 2 posts ago? that normally people do once a week or wateves? well i thought id do it again today. So lik, monday and then on friday? yea. just to see how my moods were different & wateves. sooo here i go :)))

Starting time... 12:06
Mood... happy, in disbelief that somehow its friday, content.
Outside my window... A street with pretty snow falling everywhere :D
I'm thinking...  I wish patti was here watching Hercules with me...
I'm currently reading... Obsessed by Ted Decker. Started it this morning. On Chapter 21 now. Guess you could say im obsessed ;)
I'm listening to...  Selena Gomez : Hit The Lights
I'm wearing... black yoga pants, a black t-shirt and a grey sweatshirt. hey its my comfy day alright? xP
I'm looking forward to...  this evening, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.
I'm hoping... i do something with one of my friends tonight.
Yesterday, I... made cupcakes :DDDD
I'm hungry for... subway :ddd
The song stuck inside my head is... Hit the Lights, I wont say im in love, Ashes and Wine
I love... the movie Hercules, cupcakes, music, good movies, drinking milk out of a glass
I loathe... hmm... idk..being bored i guess.
This week, my goal is... To read Adam and Immanuels Veins. Im on a mystery-book roll xDD
Did I meet last week's goal?... no. but maybe this week :)
Ending time... 12:42 yes yes, i know, but im watching a movie so this is taking longer then normal!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


At patti's house. Watching Hercules. In my comfy pj;s. Almost falling asleep. Life is good.


Questionnaire a la moi ;)

What is your best friends name? Patti
What color underwear/boxers are you wearing right now?:urm...thats a very personal question xP
What are you listening to right now?: a movie.
Whats your favourite number? 7
What was the last thing you ate? chicken. but im hungry :PPP
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? right now? dark blue.
How is the weather right now? ummm. ima guess snowy.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? urm, my dad i think.
The first thing you notice about the opposite gender? personality.
Do you have a significant other? nope.
Favourite tv show? Reba.
Siblings? yes. 3. all brothers. yea.
Height? tall.
Hair color? light brown.
Eye color? green/brown.
Do you wear contacts? nope.
Favourite holiday? Christmas :)))
Month? July.
Have you ever cried for no reason? yes.
What was the last movie you watched? idk...
Favourite day of the year? Christmas.
Are you too shy to ask someone out? Depends on who it is and how long ive known them.
Can you do a headstand NOT using the wall? no.
Hugs or Kisses? both.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla mostly, but on occasion chocolate. 
What book{s} are you reading? Eye of the Oracle.
Piercings? Ears. Maybe lip soon???
Favourite movies? Narnia series, AVP, Jaws, Soul Surfer, Lion King 2, Little mermaid XD
Favourite football team? Steelers & Stampeders.
What were you doing before this? chillin wif ma bestie :)
Butter, salted, or plain popcorn? butter & salt.
Dogs or Cats? Both
Favourite Flower? Silverbells, Sweet Pea
Been caught doing something you werent supposed to do? who hasnt?
Do you have a good/best friend of the opposite gender? yea.
Have you ever loved someone? as in a BF? nope.
Who would you like to see right now? someoneeeeee.....
Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? not anyone from my class but people i knew then that werent
Have you ever fired a gun? yes.
Do you like to travel by plane? sometimes.
Right or Left-handed? leftie!
How many pillows do you sleep with? two.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Do you have a tattoo? no.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday night.

Date... Monday, November 21st, 2011

Starting time... 10:52
Mood... sad, hopeful, happy, yeaaa :P confusing...
Outside my window... a forest. {my besties window, not mine}
I'm thinking... im sleepyyyy......
I'm currently reading... Eye of the Oracle, Bryan Davis.
I'm listening to... Ashes and Wine by A Fine Frenzy
I'm wearing... black tights, my grey skirt, and my dads ginormous cream-colored cableknit sweater.
I'm looking forward to...  Friday...a eternity away.
I'm hoping... i have a good dream tonight ;)
Yesterday, I... blogged, ate popcorn, went to church.
I'm hungry for... sleeeeppp x)
The song stuck inside my head is... Ashes and Wine.
I love... sad songs that describe exACTLY how im feeling, sleep.
I loathe... feeling sick -.-
This week, my goal is... cant tell ya! ;) 
Did I meet last week's goal?... idk... dont think i did this last week :P
Ending time... 10:59



i greet you with a sniff, as that is how i would be greeting you in the real world, if you were standing in front of me right now. rude, i know, but what else is one to do once they have contracted the terrible illness that is the cold?

-.- yup. im ill. ill-egal! hahahaha... ha...ha... not funny -.- nothings funny right now. not my scratchy throat or my sniffly nose or my sickly-sounding voice. nada.

If i had my way, i would be at home right now. On my cozy little bed wrapped in my daddy's ginormous cream-colored cable-knit sweater, curled up under my window with a huge cup of tea and a plate of cupcakes. Le happy.

But in the meantime, i am here. at school. sitting in socials class. being sniffly & tired whilst Ariel reads over my shoulder. Hello Ariel :) {and for those of you out there who think im talking about a certain red-haired mermaid, no, that is not the same person im talking about. even though that one's my friend too cuz, wat can i say? im cool lik that ;) }

yes. im tired. yes. my nose is stuffed. yes.  i would give anything to be anywhere but here. no. thats not possible. no. i dont like school right now. and no. i dont think ill get over my longing for a cup of tea anytime soon.

but yes. i will survive another 50 minutes of school. and yes. i will make it home to shower. and yes. after that i will be putting on the huge sweater of my dads. cuz its comfortable. and warm. and i like those things.

today has been quite miserable thus far. luckily, there are a few things to save it and make me go to sleep happy:

-the promise of a shower later. showering is so wonderful when you feel pathetic. getting all squeaky clean and fresh and....le sigh x)

-going to Patti's house for Bible Study at 7. yes. this will make everything insta-wonderful. because hanging with her always does.

-tea. tea makes the world go round. tea is a comforter and friend. tea. even the word is soothing. teeeaaaaa-oh. hullo. forgot y'all were there XD

-blogging. like a balm for the soul XD serriously tho, luv y'all.

-cupcakes. so. amazing. nuff said.

Alrighty-o. im tired & my brain has officially went to sleep sooo talk to y'all later!

-an avid cupcake lover,


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cupcakes and Coffee and Chocolate oh my!

I Like this color....its quite marvelous :) and it reminds me of summer evenings. You know when the sun is low, not gone, just low in the sky as though suspended by thousands of invisible strings? and its light has changed from a bright, almost white light, to a beautiful golden glow? and its so warm and lovely on your skin, and if you lay down, and your looking towards the sun, the grass is this color? the pastel-y dream color that looks good enough to eat? yea :) that one.

*Ahem * sorry for that little creative blurb :P sometimes my brain goes off into this dream-land state and all i can do is go along until something makes me crash back down to earth. Haha. Like in the Little Mermaid?

{The following to be said in a strictly Sebastian tone of voice}

"Arielle! please get your head out ob de clouds and back down heeya where it belongs!"

:) ohmy. i love that movie. like, soso much. it makes me happy. really...really happy :) The other day, i was like, 'hmm...which movie to watch...' and then i thought of that one and i decided to watch all three, but in order of TIME. like, they have:
-The Little Mermaid
-The Little Mermaid 2: Return From the Sea
-The Little Mermaid 3:Ariels Beginning.

But like, the 3rd one is about ariel beFORE the little mermaid, and the second is about her daughter, Melody. Sooo i was smart, and i watched the 3rd, then the 1st, and then the second. So its like, Past, Present, Future. Yea. Im smart :))) And those are brill movies. In fact, i encourage you to go watch them, right now. You can watch it all on youtube thanks to the brilliance of illegaly downloading films...jkjk. bad illegal downloaders. for shame *wink wink nudge nudge* no, but really! bad...

Okay now look, i know your thinking that i wrote the title of this post and like, totally mislead you, and just made it as amazing as it is to make you look here but thats not true. Heres why i wrote it:

-Im drinking coffee. {Delicious, Sumatran Reserve, Dark Roast, coffee with a hint of milk as a creamer}

-I want a Cupcake {Preferably a huuuge, Fluffy, Vanilla one with a light spreading of chocolate icing and skittles on top}

oh yes. that'll do :D

-I have chocolate that i may, or may not eat depending on how good i think it would tase right now...

Why yes Mr. Hersheys bar, you do look quite attractive and delicious there, it sort of makes me want to-

Do that... :)

See that? the title did not lie. Though it is making me want that cupcake...like, badly enough, that if i wasnt at school, i'd be trying to jump into the screen like in Blues Clues. Y'ever seen that? 'Blue Skidoo, you can too!' haha. good times...i remember when i was little, i would try to do that, and when i realized i couldnt jump into the tv, i''d just go sit reeaaalllyy close to the screen, figuring that if i was close enough so that i ONLY saw the screen, some sort of magic would take me there with blue :D ahh the joys of childhood innocence...

Anywaaaayyys x) im duper sleepy right now. And i want a doughnut. My stupid Socials textbook has a picture of a doughnut on one page, and now i want one really, really bad. *Sigh * Maybe ill call someone after school to see if they'll join me at Tims. yeaaaa :) thats wat ill do. Cuz i needa go to Wal-Mart anyways. Im into the 'Teen Vogue' Magazines atm. Not like, majorly obsessed, but i like them. And i have July's issue and August's but Novembers is there for like, $3.99 and i want it :) Unless i can find Seventeen. Which is better. Teen vogue is full of wierdish clothes and uber skinny girls that disappear when they turn sideways. No joke. Not that its bad to be naturally slender but when girls see pictures in magazines of duper thin people all the time it makes them think theres something wring with their perfectly normal size which can lead to eating disorders blah blah blah blah blah. Anywho, if Seventeen is there, Seventeen it is :D

Well, that little magazine/girly talk was strangly out of character for me :P odd. Ooooh. im excited to see this post published. Cuz y'kno, theres like, all these colors and they're all pastels and it should look pretty :) pretty things are pretty. Haha. i can just hear you all now 'Umm... le duhr? thats why they're called pretty.' And then im like 'ya i know THAT. im just TRYING to make this post interesting and if y'all dont like it, you can leave' Wait...scratch that. Dont leave. Cuz if my readers left, then id just be like, this lonely,  pathetic little blogger, and all the words from my soul that i type onto these hallowed internet pages would be oh so lonely and sad because nobodys eyes but mine would ever see them : ' ( it makes me sad to think of...

Weeeelll i gotta go now xD but y'all come back ya hear? good. seeeyyaaaaa!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A post from school :)

Its that time again! yup. you guessed it.

And now its time for happy blogging with aven. the part of the blog where aven comes out and writes, another post.

Haha. Like my take on the silly songs intro from veggietales? ya. thot so :)

Anywaaaaays im actually, believe it or not, writing this in school. When you read this i'll have copy and pasted from microsoft word but while i write it, im at school. gym class to be exact.

Im going to try harder to write more often cuz one and MAYBE two posts a week is not nearly adequate enough for my dear readers ;) {that'd be you guys}

Anyways, im kinda in love with pictures right now. Its really pretty outside these days and everywhere i go i think 'ohmyfuzzysocks LOOK at the light on that tree!' or bush or wateves :P anyways ive been bitten by the bug and am now infected with photography :D shame...

So yeaaaaa... if yur wondering why im NOT just whipping out my camera and snapping away, the answer is:

A. Its freezing
B. my camera is not ultra-adaptable to cold weather and i dont wanna kill it


C. its freezing

I know, i know, im a wimp. But i promise ill try to get some more pics soon. And then i can upload them on here and we'll see what y'all think kay? kay :)

Well i have Socials next. funfunfun. We're goona be doing some sort of graph thingy concerning economics >.< why?

Actually, its not that hard but Socials can get really BORING sometimes. Its notes and notes and essays and notes and tests and quizzes and notes and more. So while its really easy, it can get super boring.

Its like, hey everyone! lets learn about stuff that happened forever ago and economcs and the government and our rights and blah! and then lets learn how people immigrate to canada and about Acts that were written up eons ago that 'shaped today'! how fun!

Umm...no. Ill pass :P i mean, yea, that sorta thing is great if your planning on being a politician or a rights activist or whatever. But for people like me who want to draw and travel and write and go on missions trips and be creative and NOT sit in an office all day? MAJOR WASTE OF TIME.

Same goes with math. Like, yes, i can get how we would need to know how to add and subtract and multiply and divide and do BASIC math skills, but anything other than that should ONLY be required for people who want to be scientists or mathematicians or pilots or something where you need to know the unknown factor of x when y + z equals goodness knows what. get my point?

SIGH. im cold. im sorta content & sorta not.

Good things about my life at the moment:

-the coffee thermos next to me filled with 'exotic, rich coffee from the Sumatran Reserve in the lush, beautiful hills of Indonesia'

-the book im writing and illustrating that im working on right now

-my wrists. this is so incredibly bizzare but i am SO vain about my wrists right now. yes. im wierd.

-my hair, that, although not 'silky smooth and perfect without a strand out of place' is slipping into my face with grace and the scent of the bio-friendly shampoo i used last night. yum x)

-my friends and family. luv em all.

-my stupendous, amazing gorgeous friend, Patti, who never fails to brighten my day and will spontaniously burst into disney songs with me in the middle of the kitchen while people are dishing up supper around us. yes. we're that cool.

-my bee-autiful, lovely, happy, friend Dana that will put up with my sobbing at Titanic and then mutter 'happy thanksgiving' on her way out the door causing us BOTH to collapse in hysterics at the innapropriateness of such a comment at that moment in time.

-my rabbit, Peter, who jumps up beside me when im lying on the couch and plops down, fully knowing that i will immediatly drop whatever im doing to pet his velvety fur and snuggle with him.

-my betta fish, Maximus, {Max as i call him} who swims over to the front of his bowl when i come near and happily swims around for me.

Okay, well i was goona write about the not so great stuff here, but now that i think about it, God has obviously given me so many GOOD things. Soo yea. The whole complaining thing aint happenin today :)))

Alrighty chica's. Ima put my laptop down now and go work on my book. Speaking of which, do you think i should put a bit about it on here? hmm... ill put up a poll and if you guys want a little excerpt here and there i just might give you one :D in the meantime,

Give Love,
Drink Tea,
Eat Cupcakes.

-aven <333

pee ess i think ill make some sort of Christmas-y cupcake recipe and put it in here. who doesnt love festive cupcakes?

pee pee ess i hereby leave y'all with this virtual cupcake tour. enjoy!

Friday, November 11, 2011

a friday night...

date: Friday, November 11, 2011

starting time: 7:17 PM

mood: hmm... a mix between restless & ecstatic over my hair results :))))

outside my window: dark and cloudy.

im thinking: i really wish one of my friends was here right now...

im currently reading: Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that sets them Free, Eye of the Oracle,

i’m listening to: The Canadian Top 20

i’m wearing: Black leggings, my black mini-skirt, a light blue t-shirt and a grey sweater.

what i’m looking forward to: giving one of my friends an afro this weekend :D

i’m hoping: my hair stays this curly overnight...

yesterday, i: took a socials mid-term exam, had dominoes pizza for supper, and saw my friend Dana who i havent for about 2 weeks. two weeks!!! not cool :P and since she's just SO stupendous, heres her blog address. www.gotthejoy.tumblr.com go there. follow. now!

i’m hungry for: not hungry. thirsting after a french vanilla cappuchino :d

i love: sleeping in, huge hair, jamming 2 my fav. tunes, summer, walking, running, talking to my stupendous friends, just chillin.

this week, my goal is to: get my hair this epic again :) so dope...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Little Mermaid :D

Well as you may have noticed, im kinda doin Disney posts right now. So, what would Disney be without The Little Mermaid? lets hope we never find out.

{Amen Sister!}

Okey-dokes. Thats what i got for ya! later!
