Wednesday, August 22, 2012

im headed out of Vernon today. we were just here for the past few days at my Great Auntie Evies house. Shes my grandmas sister and one of those people you just take a liking to straight away.

The reason we were in Vernon in the first place though, is to pick up my grandma! she has been there since early june, taking care of HER mom. my great grandmother.

honestly i just feel so, so, SO blessed that i was able to see my great grandmother again. i saw her a few times when i was younger, but i was too young to fully understand meeting her was a big deal. now its not so. both of my great grandfathers passed away. but i can say that i met them both before they did. and a couple summers ago i stayed at my other great-grandmothers house.

i guess im writing just to remind myself just HOW blessed i am. ive met all of my great grandparents. many people havent met ANY of theirs.

this trip has been and continues to be a real blessing for me. learning to be a little more independant. a little more brave. and learning things i didnt know before. an example? well i never thought i was someone who could get up at 6 in the morning before! turns out i am! and actually, i love it!

another thing? ive learned to like PEOPLE more. people in general. i like noticing little girls walking by holding their daddys hand. i like seeing mommys and their babys in shopping malls, laughing together. i like seeing couples, old and young, walk together holding hands. i like it when i make someone passing by laugh because of my tshirt. i like little boys in superhero costumes, playing together not caring about how they look in public. i like smiling at people i pass on the street. i like interactions and i love observing them. just thinking that everyone you see is a miracle. beautifuly handcrafted and different. well it just gives your world an extra sparkle.

anyways i have to go continue the adventure. in the meantime, look at all the little miracles in YOUR life.


find a sparkle *


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