Wednesday, August 22, 2012

im headed out of Vernon today. we were just here for the past few days at my Great Auntie Evies house. Shes my grandmas sister and one of those people you just take a liking to straight away.

The reason we were in Vernon in the first place though, is to pick up my grandma! she has been there since early june, taking care of HER mom. my great grandmother.

honestly i just feel so, so, SO blessed that i was able to see my great grandmother again. i saw her a few times when i was younger, but i was too young to fully understand meeting her was a big deal. now its not so. both of my great grandfathers passed away. but i can say that i met them both before they did. and a couple summers ago i stayed at my other great-grandmothers house.

i guess im writing just to remind myself just HOW blessed i am. ive met all of my great grandparents. many people havent met ANY of theirs.

this trip has been and continues to be a real blessing for me. learning to be a little more independant. a little more brave. and learning things i didnt know before. an example? well i never thought i was someone who could get up at 6 in the morning before! turns out i am! and actually, i love it!

another thing? ive learned to like PEOPLE more. people in general. i like noticing little girls walking by holding their daddys hand. i like seeing mommys and their babys in shopping malls, laughing together. i like seeing couples, old and young, walk together holding hands. i like it when i make someone passing by laugh because of my tshirt. i like little boys in superhero costumes, playing together not caring about how they look in public. i like smiling at people i pass on the street. i like interactions and i love observing them. just thinking that everyone you see is a miracle. beautifuly handcrafted and different. well it just gives your world an extra sparkle.

anyways i have to go continue the adventure. in the meantime, look at all the little miracles in YOUR life.


find a sparkle *


Monday, August 20, 2012

the funny thing is. i think, if i had you, i would be very different. better.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

11 Day Challenge

Day 10~ 10 things I absolutely hate

-unplanned situations
-people that act like everything anyone but themselves does is stupid
-people that have a problem with me and won't just tell me why. Really? Because if you would at least TELL me your problem maybe we could resolve issues like mature human beings.
-when I run out of my chocolate stash o.O
-needing to shower and not being able to...
-best friends moving across the world
-seeing some yummy food or drink at my house and deciding to just have one later because there's plenty left and then coming back and finding out someone took them ALL.
-when no matter how many things I do someone ALWAYS calls me back when I'm exaughsted and trying to rest or have some quiet time
-sweating. I hate sweating.

11 Day Challenge

Day 7~ 10 of your favorite people (in no particular order)

K guys. So I love too many people. Ima do a celebrity list and a family list and a friend list and whatever other list I can think of xP enjoy...


-Tom Hiddleston
-Jeremy Renner
-Scarlett Johansson
-Robert Downey Jr.
-Chris Hemsworth
-Mark Fluffalo
-Chris Evans
-Emma Stone
-Taylor Swift
-Jennifer Lawrence


{I'm going to not include immediate family that I live with because obv. I love them.}

-Auntie Meeka
-Uncle Ridd
-Auntie Melanie
-Uncle Derek
-Grandpa Elliott
-Auntie Tina
-Great Grandma Shevkenek
-Great Grandma Eva



11 day challenge

Day 9~ 10 favorite bands or artists

Ok well this changes often so here's my favs right now


-Robert Downey Jr.

-Starfield (Particularily Shipwreck. Patti if you're reading this LISTEN TO IT)

-A Fine Frenzy

-Ron Pope




-Group 1 Crew

-Taylor Swift

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


ok so hi. my best friend, Patti? ive mentioned her a time or two. anyways shes given me 24 hours to post or she's going to block me. such a blackmailer... anyways here i am.

im leaving for vacation on Friday :3 driving to BC to visit my cousins and family. so ive been ridiculously busy which is why i havent been around :p

i also got a haircut! its short and snazzy ;) im considering dying my hair even blonder buut theres a few considerations to take into account before i do.

i just got a birthday card and a packet of letters from my amazing friend Lauren. she moved a couple years ago and has written faithfully ever since :3 we made a pact at the beginning of summer to write at LEAST once a week while we were traveling. she went before i did so i just recieved her Summer Traveling Epistles :) like i said, im leaving on Friday and then mine shall begin :) i also plan on sending her postcards from my more interesting stops. gah. have i mentioned i love traveling?

anywho i gotta go now. i have sufficiently met my deadline, and, im going out.

cheers for now!


Friday, August 10, 2012

senses right now

see~ a playground, a field, townhouses and busy traffic

hear~ cars rushing by, the ding of my notifications, wind outside the car, my mom talking to my biking brothers, Beethovens 'Moonlight Sonata'

smell~ my moms coffee, the cars interior, exaughst fumes from passing cars

taste~ my Mango Peach lip balm from The Body Shop

feel~ my cozy new cardigan\sweater, the sun beating down on me through the windows, the wind swooping through my cracked window

and as a couple bonus's for y'all...

wish for~ an iced coffee with a flavour shot of french vanilla, rain, more classical music on my ipod

want to be~ in Jakarta, just waking up next to my best friend. smelling breakfast and giggling over stupid things. crawling out of bed into our swimsuits and slipping into the pool. lying in the hot Indonesian sun for a few hours. shopping together at numerous malls and being slightly flirtatious with cute Aussie boys our age.

dreaming of~ living in Britian, my upcoming trip, eventually owning an iphone4s, visiting Patti

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

11 day challenge

Day 6~ 10 things about my friends

-Patti is as good as my sister. She knows every. Thing. About me.
-they're chosen carefully. So they tend to be trustworthy :p
-they all have varying personalities.

Ok I'm being really wimpy and I don't know what else to say so I'll come back to this when im not being wimpy...

11 day challenge

Day 5: 10 things about my family

-there's 6 of us all together (immediate family)
-I'm the oldest and only girl
-I'm the oldest cousin on my moms side
-my brothers are all younger than me
-my brothers are VERY LOUD. And I like quiet.
-we're really close to my grandparents on my moms side (and my dads dad as well but he lives far away :( )
-half my family just moved to Indonesia :c
-I don't think anyone in our family is a vegetarian :p we like our meat!
-I don't have any sisters but I've always wanted one. I do have amazing girl COUSINS though :)
-I only have one cousin my age and I haven't seen her since I was 7 :( this makes me sad.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

11 day challenge

Day 4~ 10 of my favorite foods

-perogies and fried onions
-crepes with syrup
-anything cranberries except fresh cranberries and cranberrie sauce xP
-bacon. Especially bacon cooked by Patti's mom :d
-salt and vinegar chips
-pretty much all fruits
-Tims :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

hi :)

im writing this as i wait for my ipod to finish syncing with itunes. honestly, i cannot WAIT until i save up for and purchase a macbook because its pretty murderous to have to select and unselect apps, music and ibooks from multiple other devises that use the same computer you do. done venting.

im actually pretty excited because i figured out how to download a song from youtube onto my ipod! yay! now i have 3 new Fine Frenzy songs :) 

ALSO IT IS MY 15TH BIRTHDAY IN 2 DAYS SO I AM GETTING EXCITED. happy almost-birthday to me!!

another factor of excitement in my life is that i am busting out of town and going on vacation! woo! i get to see my cousins and family and im so stoked :3 

moving on, i have a new 'challenge' thing to do. soo ima go do that. just thought id give y'all an actual post to chew on for a bit since i havent for awhile. 

be brave,
laugh freely,
love always <3


11 day challenge

day 3~ 10 things about my personality

-loyal. like, insanely loyal. once you're in my life theres no way i'll get rid of you unless you choose to go.

-quiet when i first meet you, but after seeing each other a few times, if i decide i can trust you, people are often amazed at how i wont shut up ;)

-protective of friends and family. yea, im quiet. but diss someone close to me and you awaken a stormy rage.

-suffer in silence. somethings wrong? unless you are my BEST friend or my grandmother, you wont find out. nothing personal but one of my pet peeves is when people have a problem and immediatly post it on facebook. yea,no.

-live in relative silence. previous rules apply. no facebook. no calling everyone i know. this has actually been my downfall in the past. where i feel a certain way and i dont tell someone and i end up losing my chance and messing everything up. its occasionaly a blessing but lately more of a burden.

-trust. issues. i never thought i had them before but h'ohboy DO I. and im pretty much kicking myself for having them because they messed up something really precious to me.

-adventrous. i love new challenges and things that some people might think are 'scary' i love. mainly the dark and snakes.

-observant. im really, really observant.

-imaginative. i love my imagination. it takes me many places and to many scenarios.

-sleepy. yes. this counts as personality. i love sleeping.

there we go :) see y'all tomorrow!
