Wednesday, November 21, 2012

MLP blog challenge

Challenge accepted!

 - Favorite Pony
right now? Fluttershy <3

 - Least Favorite Pony
Flim and Flam :I MEANIES

 - favorite episode
havent seen them all, but so far, the one where all the mane characters talk about getting their cutie marks. OH! or the one with Discord :D

 - Who is your OC pony?
havent made one... yet ;)

 - What is your favorite Pony Paring?
Rainbow Dash and Big Mcintosh <3<3<3<3

 - Favorite Pony type.

 - Favorite Princess.
Luna :)

 - Favorite song
Giggle at the Ghosties

 - Favorite Pony town/city.

 - Least Favorite Episode
the one where Flim and Flam try to steal the Apple Farm :I

 - Job you would like in Ponyville
Fluttershy or Twilights assistant :3

 - Quote
"It needs to be about 20% cooler"

 - Most nail biting moment.
when AppleJack wouldnt tell the other ponys why she wasnt coming home to Ponyville

 - Best Fluttershy Quote

 - Best Twilight Quote
all the ponys in this town are CRAZY!

 - Best Rainbow Dash Quote
it needs to be about 20% cooler

 - Best Apple Jack Quote
my sisters speakin' in fancy!!!

 - Best Spike Quote
can you do that? can you explode twice?

 - Best Pinkie Pie Quote
Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, guys! Chocolate rain!

 - Best Rarity Quote
nice is an understatement. i look fabulous!

 - Favorite Villain

 - Villain you hate
Queen Chrysalis

 - Element of Harmony you Identify with
Loyalty. well, the element itself. not neccesarily Rainbow Dash (even though she IS awesome)

 - Best Background Pony

 - Happiest Moment in MLP FiM
when the mane characters become the elements of harmony together

 - Worst Pony Pairing
ummm Cheerilee and Big Mcintosh

 - If you could live in the pony universe or a day, what would you do?
hang out with Fluttershy and fly some with Rainbow Dash ;)

 - Who’s your special somepony?
sorry. thats classified. lets just say an earth pony with a dazzling mane is MY special somepony. but im not his.

 - What have you learned from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
that friendship is magic. 

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