Sunday, May 6, 2012

My weekend

Okay so yesterday, after spending most of the afternoon finishing a science project, my oldest little brother ( ;D ) calls, and asks if I want to go see The Avengers with him, my dad, and my friend Dana. Sooo we went and it was sold out! Therefore, we bought tickets for the late show. While we were waiting we got pizza and went to a park for a couple hours. It was so fun :) and I have a new favorite park now. And the movie was incredible! Like, I seriously want to go see it again :p and I'm planning a 'Marvel' night this summer. I'm going to rent all the marvel movies and round up a couple friends and watch them all :) its goona be fuuunnn.

Anywho I gotta scurry off now. Time for apple crisp :) I love my grandparents house.

Have a good last few hours of the weekend everyone!


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