Thursday, May 31, 2012

kay everyone, so dont kill me for doing this AGAIN. im hopeing it'll get the blogging juices flowing. bear with me...

Starting time... 11:14 AM

Mood... Restless, Happy, Sad

Outside my window... hot hot hot weather

I'm thinking... about this summer. conflicted emotions :/

I'm currently reading... The Edge of Recall ; Kristen Heitzmann

I'm listening to... other teenagers being loud and swearing and in general being innapropriate -.- i do not like public school.

I'm wearing... White puma capri's, a blue t-shirt, my dad's black and red windbreaker

I'm looking forward to... The end of school
I'm hoping... i can find SOMEONE to go on the scary fair rides with. and that i'll get a dog this summer :3

Yesterday I.... Read  Adam by Ted Dekker. again. i love Ted Dekker.

I'm hungry for... A big extra and a large frie from Mcdonalds :d soooo hungry right now....

The song stuck inside my head is... nothing right now. my internal soundtrack of life is silent for once...

I love... friends, summer, dogs, cats, my fish, my bunny.

I loathe... school. facebook, being so far away from family :C my friends moving away

This week, my goal is... Survive today and tomorrow so i live to see the weekend.

Did I meet last week's goal? yup.

Ending time... 11:22 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You guys. I suck. Im so sorry for abandoning y'all for so long. Ive been all apathetic and pathetic and lame and ambitionless and....sorry :p

it is SO HOT today. my classroom thermostat is sitting at 28 degrees celsius. i am passing away of heat stroke. i kid you not. so excuse my miserable-ness.

someone could fry an egg on me right now. legit.

gah. its unbearable. i cant wait to get home, open my window, close the drapes, change into SUMMER CLOTHING (as opposed to sweat pants and a sweater. what was i thinking????) and maybe water the lawn. or maybe drink ice tea. that sounds good. think we'll go with that ;)

the snow is gooonnne!

at last! my only heartbreak, is that im still in school. so im stuck sweltering here all day when i could be out in the sunny world enjoying myself.

i g2g. we're getting off the laptops in class now. talk soon though!

-the one and only AVENger

Sunday, May 13, 2012

i have reached my daily post limit on tumblr and now i am going to crawl home and die whilst watching captain america. that is all. whoever the heck thought of a post limit...should wish they never did.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Starting time... 10:30 AM

Mood... Tired, cold, bored

Outside my window...freedom

I'm thinking...I wish I was outside or at the stables.

I'm currently reading... Holly Heart volume 3, my devotional,
I'm listening to... Reach by Peter Furler on the 2012 WOW hits cd :)
I'm wearing... Black sweat pants, my blue tshirt, and my purple sweater.
I'm looking forward to... The end of school
I'm hoping... I can get a dog this summer
Yesterday I.... Went to a concert and had ice cream after :3
I'm hungry for... a pizza sub or a mozzarella grilled cheese sandwich with sauerkraut and corned beef :d deliciouussss
The song stuck inside my head is... Somebody I used to know; Goyte
I love... sleep, no school
I loathe... school, when people post every. Single. Flipping. Thing they do on Facebook. No. Sorry but I don't care if you just ate Cheerios. Tell your dog.
This week, my goal is;.... To see The Avengers again :D
Did I meet last week's goal?... didn't have one.
Ending time... 10:41 AM

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My weekend

Okay so yesterday, after spending most of the afternoon finishing a science project, my oldest little brother ( ;D ) calls, and asks if I want to go see The Avengers with him, my dad, and my friend Dana. Sooo we went and it was sold out! Therefore, we bought tickets for the late show. While we were waiting we got pizza and went to a park for a couple hours. It was so fun :) and I have a new favorite park now. And the movie was incredible! Like, I seriously want to go see it again :p and I'm planning a 'Marvel' night this summer. I'm going to rent all the marvel movies and round up a couple friends and watch them all :) its goona be fuuunnn.

Anywho I gotta scurry off now. Time for apple crisp :) I love my grandparents house.

Have a good last few hours of the weekend everyone!


Friday, May 4, 2012

'but you didnt have to cut me off, make it like it never happened and that we were nothing, I dont even need your love but you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough'

kinda how im feeling right now :/ this week has not been great. its been confusing and long and... not great :P anyways, its Friday. thats good i guess. not looking forward to Sunday however. or saturday. or monday. grrrrr. summer holidays hurry up please. 

Anyways, i have a new... well a promise. i made it to myself. but its very hush-hush so i cant say what c: its just very...big. 

Gah. i suck at this kinda thing now. which explains why i havent been writing lately. my writing skills are tanking. so sorry. 

gotta go... ill post...sometime....somewhere....someday....


Happy Star Wars Day!!!!!!!!

And may the fourth be with you ;D