Sunday, February 3, 2013

A to Z about me, blog questionnaire

A. Age: 15
B. Bed size: twin i think :P its small. 
C. Chore that you hate: dishes. bleeeh.
D. Dogs: love them but dont have any :(
E. Essential start to your day: music and a cup of coffee or tea.
F. Favourite color: light pink. 
G. Gold or Silver: gold
H. Height: 5'7 i think... lol 
I. Instruments you play: the recorder (hush its an accomplishment), the clarinet (kinda. ) and the piano (only by ear, i cant read music.)
J. Job title: high school. yuck. 
K. Kids: does the number FIFTEEN mean anything to you?
L. Live: living is good. to live fully you must enjoy cupcakes and indulge in fuzzy blankets and socks. 
M. Mother’s name: Kristin :3
N. Nicknames: Annie, Avey, Aves, Neva, Vena, Ave. theres more im just drawing a blank right now...
O. Overnight hospital stays: um. when i was born and once when i had strep throat. 
P. Pet peeves: ohnoes please dont get me started. i have a plethora. ok heres a few: noise, people telling me to do something because they think i wont, but i was TOTALLY going to do it anyways. (that just makes me NOT want to do it anymore) phones that ring incessantly because other people are sitting 3 feet away from it but won't answer it, people who live to create drama and get attention. just no. , everyone trying to talk to me the second i put my headphones on, days when i never get any time to myself. 
Q. Quote from a movie: "Every man dies, not every man really lives." -Braveheart
R. Right or left handed: Left. My family thinks i would have been right-handed, except when i was born there were complications that hurt my right shoulder. So lefty it is!
S. Siblings: 3 little brothers. no sisters.
T. Time you wake up: about 9 am. unless i sleep in, in which case i can totally sleep like, all day.
U. Underwear: yes. 
V. Vegetable you hate: brussel sprouts. bleh. 
W. What makes you run late: ALOT of things. mainly getting ready though. i generally change my outfit like 3 times before i find something i like. 
X. X-Rays you’ve had: one for when i broke my arm in grade 6.
Y. Yummy food that you love: pretty much anything my mum makes, my best friend's brownies and thunder cookies, ummm i love cupcakes.
Z. Zoo animal: tigers. any big cat really. also bears <3

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