Tuesday, October 9, 2012

today, today.

hey guys,

sorry i havent been around the past couple days, ive been a little side-tracked by tumblr :p so yes. im back now.

hmm. dont really have anything to talk about. except tom hiddleston. and his voice. which is perfect. like.. gah. yes.


ive started the math section of my work this week. rawr. so thats another reason if i dont have good, long, quality posts quite as much.

AAAAHHH can i start this over? k thanks.

today was long. and kind of... hmm. i dont know. just LONG. i feel ready for the weekend. but one consolation is that today is tuesday, so i can talk to patti tonight. *yay!*

guys im so sorry this has been so pathetic but i have to run now. please take a moment and participate in the poll on the side here though! (even though ive pretty much made up my mind to go red)

ok, thanks and seriously, SO sorry. i swear ill make a better post really really soon.

i love you for putting up with me.



learn russian,
love the avengers,
watch The Hollow Crown

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